Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Law and Order?

As I watch the testimony this morning of four of the police officers who defended the capitol building, the emotions of what happened on January 6 of this year came flooding back. The physical and emotional abuse which those men endured that day at the hands of Trump's supporters was recounted in vivid and graphic detail. Those men are national heroes! That a police officer and a former veteran would be subjected to beatings and the epithet of "traitor" or "nigger" is an outrage. That ANYONE would attempt to minimize what happened that day is a disgrace!

I support the work of the House Committee to investigate what happened that day, and I am particularly proud of the two members of my former party (Cheney and Kinzinger) who have agreed to participate in that work. Even so, we ALL know what happened that day. It is clear that Donald John Trump (the so-called "law and order" president) instigated a violent insurrection against the seat of government of these United States of America and attempted to prevent the certification of a lawfully and democratically conducted election and subvert our form of government. May he and his supporters be forever tainted/tarnished by the events of that infamous and horrendous day!