Monday, August 12, 2024

Stolen Valor?

After having mothballed this blog for over two years, charges against the Democratic nominee for Vice President, Tim Walz, were just too rich to pass up! First, just to remind everyone, Donald Trump NEVER served this country in the uniform of any of its Armed Services. Indeed, he seized on "bone spurs" as an excuse to avoid serving this country during Vietnam. He also has a history of denigrating the service of those he didn't like who have served honorably in our military (e.g. Senator John McCain). Moreover, those closest to the former president have asserted that he has disparaged our soldiers who have died in war as being "suckers" and "losers."

Now, apparently, Lieutenant Colonel John Kolb, who took over command of Walz's unit after his retirement (after twenty-four years of service) has pushed back against Walz's military resume. For me, it is reprehensible for a person in Kolb's position to denigrate or criticize the honorable service of any enlisted person. Indeed, the criticism of Kolb and his Republican allies reminds me of my own honorable service in the United States Army more than thirty years ago, and it is more deserving of the charge of stolen valor than anything in Governor Walz's background.

Before my own honorable discharge from the Sixth Infantry Division, I carried weapons of war - all military personnel do at one time or another (e.g. M-16, 9mm, mortars, SAW, etc.). Likewise, I was recommended for the rank of E-5/Sargeant before my discharge. Although I never acted on the recommendation, all of us (my superiors, fellow soldiers, and I) looked upon that recommendation as a great honor. Moreover, my assignment to Alaska was regarded at the time as being overseas, and the army acknowledged my service during a time of hostility (Persian Gulf War), even though I had not actually served in combat.

In other words, we should honor anyone who has seen fit to wear the uniform of one or more of our Armed Services. These individuals have been willing to serve our nation in a way that most folks never do - it is special - it demands sacrifice and courage, and it should NOT EVER be denigrated by anyone! As I always do, I appreciate and commend Governor Walz for his service to this country (having myself been there and done that - although certainly not for twenty-four years).