Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Alternative Realities and Conspiracy Theories!

Many folks on the Left bemoan the fact that some folks on the Right automatically dislike government programs, reject the findings of scientists, dismiss the reporting of the mainstream media and support the imposition of their moral values on society as a whole. "They just won't listen to reason," seems to be a common refrain on the Left. These attitudes have also manifested themselves in seemingly intractable positions on a host of issues:  Obamacare, welfare programs, climate change, environmental regulations, the teaching of evolution, the Kennedy assassination, the Moon landing, who/what was really responsible for 9/11, stories about Russian interference in the last election, gay rights, same sex marriage and abortion (and you could probably think of a few more).

However, if we are truly desirous of understanding why some of the Right's attitudes on these issues seem so impermeable to facts, it is crucial to understand what underpins them. Let's consider each of the above named attitudes separately:

Automatic dislike of government programs...
This is easy to understand if you comprehend that many folks on the Right believe:
1. That the primary purpose of government is to defend the country.
2. That government tends to expand its scope at the expense of the public.
3. That government tends to be corrupt and incompetent.
4. That, because of the first three, the best government is the least government possible.

Reject the findings of scientists...
This is also easy to understand if you comprehend that many folks on the Right believe:
1. That many/most scientists are arrogant and devoid of common sense.
2. That many/most scientists have a Left-leaning intellectual bias.
3. That there are usually valid alternative explanations for some/many of the conclusions that scientists reach.
4. That, because of the first three, the findings of scientists should be regarded with extreme suspicion.

Dismiss the reporting of the mainstream media...
This too is easy to understand if you comprehend that many folks on the Right believe:
1. That many/most reporters are disrespectful of the people who are the focus of their reporting.
2. That many/most reporters are motivated to get the "scoop" at any cost.
3. That many/most reporters have a Left-leaning intellectual bias.
4. That, because of the first three, most of the reporting of these individuals should be dismissed or taken with the proverbial grain of salt.

Support the imposition of their moral values on society as a whole...
As before, this is easy to understand if you comprehend that many folks on the Right believe:
1. That this nation was founded on Judeo-Christian values.
2. That God is the source of their moral values.
3. That the rejection of their moral values is evil and leads to societal decline or disintegration.
4. That, because of the first three, everyone should adhere to their standards.

Psychologists have also pointed out that the folks who tend to be more susceptible to the acceptance of conspiracy theories are most often the ones who tend to feel powerless. (see Here's Why People Believe In Conspiracy Theories at

Can we begin to see that this is NOT a lack of information problem? Instead of throwing more facts and information at folks, you may want to try appealing to their emotional self. After all, any information/facts that you present to them are going to be viewed with suspicion/skepticism from the get go! 

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