Sunday, August 19, 2018

Former CIA Director Panetta on Revoking Brennan's Security Clearance

From the transcript of his remarks today on the CBS program Face the Nation:

Security clearances are critical to our national security and decisions regarding security clearances ought to be based on national security issues. Our concern now is that security clearances are going to be used as a political tool to go after people that the president doesn't agree with or issues that the president may not agree with and we think that undermines the importance of security clearances particularly when it comes to national security.

Whether one agrees or disagrees with what John Brennan said is not the issue. We have something called free speech in this country. And whether you're a former CIA director or whether you're a former president of the United States or whether you're just a citizen on the street you have a right to free speech to say what you think about our country and our president

The entire transcript is available here:

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