Thursday, January 24, 2019

A slogan instead of a solution

As reports circulated that the Democrats may offer Trump 5.7 billion dollars for border security (but not one penny for his wall), Trump tweeted this morning: "Without a Wall there cannot be safety and security at the Border or for the U.S.A. BUILD THE WALL AND CRIME WILL FALL!"

This tells me that Trump isn't interested in border security. He's interested in using this issue to solidify his support among his base, and that's about all!

And, just for the record, without addressing the issues that motivate our southern neighbors to come here (violence, oppression, poverty) - even increased border security won't do much to stem the flow of refugees northward! This is a much more complex problem than his slogan implies.

The State of the Union

In Section 3 of Article II of the U.S. Constitution, we read the following about the duties of the President: "He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient..."

I will readily admit that this is a vague provision. You will notice that nothing is specifically said about how often ("from time to time") this information should be provided. Likewise, there aren't any specifics about how the information is to be provided (In times past, presidents had their SOTU delivered to Congress as a written document).

In his initial response to Speaker Pelosi's suggestion that he not deliver his SOTU until the government shutdown ended or consider submitting it to Congress in writing, Trump threatened to find another venue to deliver the address. Later, he changed tactics and acted as if he would deliver the address in the House chamber anyway. However, when she made it clear that this wasn't an option, he decided that he would wait until the shutdown had ended.

He tweeted: "As the Shutdown was going on, Nancy Pelosi asked me to give the State of the Union Address. I agreed. She then changed her mind because of the Shutdown, suggesting a later date. This is her prerogative - I will do the Address when the Shutdown is over. I am not looking for an alternative venue for the SOTU Address because there is no venue that can compete with the history, tradition and importance of the House Chamber. I look forward to giving a “great” State of the Union Address in the near future!"

Alternative venue? I wonder if Trump or anyone else has noticed that this vague provision of the Constitution is very specific that the SOTU has to be given to CONGRESS. Delivering an address to the public on television or in a rally would not satisfy this requirement! Hence, if Trump had proceeded with some alternative venue, he would have been in violation of this provision of the U.S. Constitution!

Friday, January 4, 2019

Minority Rule

Why are the leaders of the Democratic Party so squeamish about using the word impeachment in the same sentence as Donald Trump? Are they afraid of Trump? Are they afraid of his tweets? Is it because there isn't enough evidence of malfeasance and abuse of power to justify such an action? Is Congress waiting for more proof from whatever report Mueller finally issues? Is it because the House knows that the Senate (controlled by Republicans) wouldn't convict and vote to remove him from office?

I think it has more to do with their fear of the 39-45% (depending on the poll) of the American people who still support Trump. From my vantage point, it doesn't appear that they are afraid of him (consider their statements and commentary about the man). They make fun of his tweets. There appears to be an abundance of evidence that he has violated the emoluments clause and actively obstructed justice in plain sight. And, as far as the Republican controlled Senate is concerned, why would those Republican Senators not vote to convict or remove? Do they like Trump that much, or are they afraid of offending and alienating his supporters?

Trump, like most tyrants, is a petty and small-minded individual who doesn't have the character, intellect or ability to inspire real fear or terror in others. Like most demagogues, the secret to his success/continuation resides in the loyalty which he has inspired among his followers. In short, Democrats are afraid of the large and vocal minority of Americans who support Trump. The fear is this: If they move against Trump, his followers will revolt - that they simply will not tolerate their man being dethroned.

And there is strong evidence to support the conclusion that Trump himself is just as afraid of offending/alienating these folks as the Democrats. Don't believe me. Look at the circumstances surrounding the current government shut down.

Trump was ready to sign off on the legislation which the Senate had passed on a BIPARTISAN basis, until some of the folks over at Fox News howled about him abandoning his commitment to a wall on our Southern border. Witness how fast Trump changed his mind - how quickly he said that he wouldn't sign the legislation to continue funding the government. He immediately started demanding full funding for his pet project as a precondition for his willingness to sign any funding legislation to keep the rest of the government open/operating.

So, what do we have? I think it's clear that we presently have minority rule in the United States! Will Mueller's report change this calculation? Only time will tell.