Thursday, January 24, 2019

A slogan instead of a solution

As reports circulated that the Democrats may offer Trump 5.7 billion dollars for border security (but not one penny for his wall), Trump tweeted this morning: "Without a Wall there cannot be safety and security at the Border or for the U.S.A. BUILD THE WALL AND CRIME WILL FALL!"

This tells me that Trump isn't interested in border security. He's interested in using this issue to solidify his support among his base, and that's about all!

And, just for the record, without addressing the issues that motivate our southern neighbors to come here (violence, oppression, poverty) - even increased border security won't do much to stem the flow of refugees northward! This is a much more complex problem than his slogan implies.

1 comment:

  1. The single cell organisms amongst us always do seem to find slogans and cliches deeply satisfying.

    The next time we have a Democrat administration, this expensive wall will either be partially dismantled, or largely thwarted, just as the Republican administration has systematically dismantled the relics from the Obama administration.

    Globalism will eventually make a return, although possibly in a modified form. This is nearly essential to the survival of mankind, because the only way in which the sheer magnitude of existential threats can be managed and assuaged is through global cooperation and management.

