Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Make America Great Again - Dump Trump!

Events since my last post have only served to reinforce my conviction that Donald Trump should not occupy the Oval Office. He has desecrated the office he holds, undermined many of our most cherished institutions and values, and damaged our reputation and relations with our friends around the world. The economic growth that was generated and sustained by his predecessor and has continued through the first two years of his presidency does not justify another term for him. And, anyone who thinks that he has advanced the cause of the pro-life movement with his judicial appointments is delusional. Those appointments, however, do have the potential to have a very negative impact on many other areas of American life (i.e. civil rights, economic interests and environmental issues). Hence, for those who are truly interested in restoring America's greatness, the very best way to accomplish that goal is to get rid of the abomination of desolation which currently occupies our sacred secular place! 

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