Sunday, April 21, 2019

Do they care that they've ruined their reputations?

It is amazing the number of individuals who have shipwrecked their good names on the rock of Trump. Take just a moment to consider a few of the folks who have absolutely ruined their reputations working for and/or defending the current occupant of the Oval Office:  Michael Flynn, John Kelley, H.R. McMaster, Rex Tillerson, Jeff Sessions. Each one of these folks enjoyed some measure of success and respect in their respective fields prior to joining Trump's team and has left the White House with their reputations in tatters.

Nevertheless, in my opinion, the most precipitous falls from grace have been reserved for two individuals who are still with Trump:  Rudy Giuliani and William Barr. After the 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center, Giuliani was acclaimed as America's Mayor. According to Gallup, the number of Americans who have a favorable opinion of him has fallen to about 32% ! Likewise, as the former Attorney General for Bush, Barr enjoyed a reputation as an institutionalist and was widely respected among the rank and file of both parties. After the Mueller Report, not anymore! One has to wonder, do they care that their personal reputations have been destroyed as a consequence of their association with Trump?  


  1. I do understand where you are coming from. Especially in light of the interesting Mueller investigation.

    I would not necessarily consider everyone associated with a certain administration "polluted". In WWII there is the question of the Mayors that stayed on their posts under German occupation, signing some sort of loyalty to the new masters while trying to do best for the people living in their respective municipalities.

    Heaven forbid in the near future some sort of efficient, charismatic super managerial type starts organizing and running the Trump administration like the administrations under Reagan and Bush jr were organized by the party.

    It seems Trump is not able to attract such organizers from his base and rather allienates those able to build a real power structure.

    Anyhow my point. The still most important nation in the world needs some able people to hold the ship on course irrespective of individuals that do not adhere to common practices or even act detrimental to the interests of the state, even if that individual is the chosen head of state.


    1. Unfortunately, I think that the majority of the folks who were serving as the guardrails for this administration have been fired or quit. And I don't think that there's any possibility that anyone will be able to step in and impose any kind of order or discipline as long as Trump is at the helm.

    2. Gracious of you to use the word "unfortunately." I was much harsher when I said "heaven forbid."

      My point is that if we make it extremely difficult for people with differing opinion AND qualifications to serve the nation we might end up like Trump.

      There is a legitimate "Mueller investigation", Trump goes after everyone who participated.

      If or when "the pendulum swings" to a democrat government in the future will the democrats then persecute each and everyone that was associated with the Trump administration?

      I am just trying to depolarize, even when or if there are legitimate concerns.

      For Trump to go on a witchhunt after the report will cause a reaction in the future I am afraid.

      Democrats should choose the highground starting today and show how it can be done instead of instilling fear in the other side and in the end produce the self fulfilling prophecy of "civil war".

      But hey. Is that not the problem all along that the Democrats forgot to educate large swaths of the electorate what they were about and cause a reaction callled D Trump.

      I still see Trump as some sort of reaction to Obama policies. Even years after his presidency people point out obama and hillary tweets that "forgot" to mention "christians' when sending condolences to Sri Lanka.

      The distrust sown is incredible in a most important swath of the electorate. Although some of them are seeing that Trump cannot deliver.


    3. Good point. I too hope that the Democrats will take the high ground, but I'm not optimistic. Revenge and retribution seem to be natural inclinations of humankind. I have been so vocal in my opposition to Trump because I believe he has permanently shifted everyone's political paradigm. There are a few individuals who are/have been associated with Trump whose reputations are still largely intact (e.g. Nikki Haley, Jim Mattis, Gina Haspel and Dan Coats). Hence, there is some evidence that personal integrity and the refusal to abandon traditional values have provided at least some measure of insulation from taint by association.

    4. Interesting. By your examples it seems one can serve the nation, maintain integrity and be associated with Trump.............for half a term................

      I studied so hard to learn about International Law and the workings of International Institutions only to find out that it takes a blonde news anchor to be catapulted to interesting offices.........

      Well, the Queen saw fit to finally invite the Prz. Of course she will be wearing gloves on the occasion.

