Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Hey Liberals, DON'T BE STUPID!

A base of support that ranges from 39-45% is not going to get Donald Trump reelected, but there is another group that polls 40-50% of the Democratic Party that could! These are the folks who are very progressive, and there is abundant evidence that they don't like the current Democratic front runner (Joe Biden). https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/liberals-go-after-joe-biden-trying-to-blunt-his-presidential-candidacy-and-the-recent-centrist-surge-in-the-democratic-party/2019/06/02/b0e20be4-8543-11e9-a491-25df61c78dc4_story.html

I'm content to let the process within that party play out (I'm not a Democrat), and I would vote for ANY of the current field over Trump. There is a real danger, however, that disappointed liberals might stay away from the polls next November if Biden is the nominee. My take: Go ahead, sit on your dead ass and watch Trump get another four years!

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Senator Duckworth is a REAL American!

A friend sent this to my personal e-mail account (Trump's recent answers to Piers Morgan about the Vietnam War):

Senator Tammy Duckworth, who lost both her legs while serving in the military during the Iraq War, responded to the comments of a president who skipped out of an earlier war because of bone spurs:

"It’s insulting what Donald Trump said about Vietnam: that he didn’t serve because 'he wasn’t a fan of that war.' No Veteran I know is a 'fan of war,' but unlike Trump, they responded when their nation called them to duty. Like true patriots. Whether or not they had a choice."
"These comments only make one thing clear: @realDonaldTrump got his deferments for the wrong thing. They shouldn't have been for his disappearing, imaginary bone spurs—they should have been for that yellow streak down his back. At least that would have been a real condition. 4/4"