Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Hey Liberals, DON'T BE STUPID!

A base of support that ranges from 39-45% is not going to get Donald Trump reelected, but there is another group that polls 40-50% of the Democratic Party that could! These are the folks who are very progressive, and there is abundant evidence that they don't like the current Democratic front runner (Joe Biden). https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/liberals-go-after-joe-biden-trying-to-blunt-his-presidential-candidacy-and-the-recent-centrist-surge-in-the-democratic-party/2019/06/02/b0e20be4-8543-11e9-a491-25df61c78dc4_story.html

I'm content to let the process within that party play out (I'm not a Democrat), and I would vote for ANY of the current field over Trump. There is a real danger, however, that disappointed liberals might stay away from the polls next November if Biden is the nominee. My take: Go ahead, sit on your dead ass and watch Trump get another four years!

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