Saturday, February 13, 2021

Trump is finished!

The House impeachment managers presented overwhelming evidence that Donald John Trump incited an insurrection against this republic. Unfortunately, most legislative Republicans were afraid of their constituents (who still support the Great Orange One) and did not support convicting him. I want to say that I applaud the seven Republican senators who had the courage to join all of the Democratic and Independent senators in voting GUILTY. Unfortunately, however, the United States Constitution requires a two-thirds majority for conviction.

Nevertheless, when the vote was finished, the Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell made plain that Trump was responsible for what happened on January 6. Moreover, history will record that the 45th President of the United States was impeached twice by the U.S. House of Representatives. That stain can never be removed and is unlikely to ever be equaled. And, although Trump's supporters have proven to be loyal and unyielding, it is now very clear that a solid majority of Americans regard him as unfit for the office he held for four years. In other words, it is a fairly safe bet that Trump's political career is finished - that another run for the White House would not be successful. 


  1. Replies
    1. Time will tell, but I wouldn't bet on anybody on my side changing their minds about Trump. And, since a majority of Americans now hold him responsible for what happened on January 6th (and the poor response to Covid), the steadfastness of the minority will not get him over the finish line!

  2. I don't think so. Law is everything and Trump got acquited.

    Anyway, any elected representative official who voted in favor of mob rule is in the wrong profession.


    1. As the Republicans were fond of reminding everyone, impeachment is a POLITICAL exercise. And, as the House impeachment managers pointed out numerous times during the Senate trial, the proceedings were NOT criminal in nature (Hence, their persuasive arguments about due process - Trump was NEVER endangered by those proceedings of losing life, liberty or property - no executions, jail time or fines). Theoretically, then, his acquittal leaves him free to run again and fight another day.
      However, my point is that this hardens the position of those who are opposed to Trump. I'm sure he lost a few folks around the edges, but I'm also confident that the majority of his supporters remain loyal to him (that's typical for these personality cults). In order to be successful politically, one MUST be able to persuade some of those who are not naturally inclined to support you. In the current partisan atmosphere, that is very difficult (evidence the relatively close general election results of the last thirty years). Does anyone honestly believe that after the last four years that it is still possible to get anyone on either side to change their opinion of Donald Trump? Again, I don't see the potential for folks who share my views of the man being persuaded to give him another go with the presidency of this republic.

  3. Trump is not LEGALLY prohibited from running again if he pleases so. If the Democratic Party will be ripped apart by the likes of AOC or the Bernie types and the Republicans will split in "traditionalists" and a fascist Patriot Party, the Patriot Party might be the biggest Party of all.

    Anyway the Fascists will never sway you or me but I am not convinced a Biden presidency will be able to continue steering right in the middle. So far he is restoring decency, good manners, intenational relations etc etc but I foresee some black swans in the future since the FED is steering the USA in a black hole that is wholly unsustainable for any political party.

    I am thinking Germany 1933 and Biden in the role of Hindenburg.


    1. All good points and certainly within the realm of possibility. Even so, your scenario requires the disintegration of the republic. I remain more optimistic about its future.

    2. Yes.

      I said I am not convinced that the Biden presidency is able to "heal" the common narrative.
      Yet I have Jonah to keep me grounded.


      PS. My points emphasize that there must be some sort of strategy behind the republican senator vote. It couldn't have been fear anymore (not even the fear of GOP falling apart) and I refuse to believe in stupidity for so many senators.

      I also know that my personal gutfeeling is not synchronized anymore with whatever strategy is behind their voting behavior and therefore not leading. I'm detached.

    3. I think that the primary strategy behind the Republican senators' votes is one of avoiding censure back home and those nasty primary challenges if one should decide to run again. It isn't Trump whom they fear anymore - it's the millions of the folks who still support him and/or his policies in their respective states.

    4. Then the Democrates need to offer a better alternative in the minds of the millions of folks who are in support of whatever they support.


  4. Well perhaps Trump (ism) will dwindle into insignificance and a "Mar al Lago as his Elba narrative" is just part of CNN's businessmodel.


  5. Whow

    What churches do the family of Congressman Kinzinger attend. This might not be over in the Iranian Republic of the USA.


    1. Kinzinger is our representative in Congress and we're very proud of him. He's one of the few Republicans whom I can still vote for with a clear conscience.

    2. Yes, but his family is brainwashed.

