Saturday, January 14, 2017

Don't hold your breath!

For those folks who are still naive enough to believe that most of the folks who voted for Donald Trump will eventually realize that they've made a mistake and withdraw their support, you are more delusional than they are! It should be clear to everyone by now that most Trump supporters will not be persuaded by ANY evidence of this man's inadequacy for the office he is about to hold. If the just finished election cycle wasn't proof enough of this phenomenon, one only has to look at the supportive comments posted by some of them in reaction to negative statements and stories posted by others.

Over the past few weeks, I have surveyed some of the reactions to stories posted on Yahoo about Putin's hacking of the Democrats and efforts to help the Trump campaign and came away with a renewed conviction that NOTHING could dislodge some of these folks from the Trump camp. Although they cover a wide range, from those who dismiss the importance of the stories to those who reject the evidence provided as false, they all have one thing in common:  Their unwavering support for The Donald.

Nevertheless, many of the folks who did not support Trump in the last election have continued to express their incredulity at the level of loyalty expressed by his supporters. They have made the same mistake that most of the Democrats and Republicans who opposed him during the last election made - they have not understood the intense devotion of these folks to the idea of Trump. Donald Trump was absolutely right about one thing that he said during the campaign:  "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters."

How can they continue to support this man in the face of so much evidence that he is unworthy to be President of the United States of America? Most of the folks who continue to ask this question are looking in the wrong place for answers. The answer will not be found in the man himself. The answer is simple:  Most of his supporters have too much invested in him to jump ship now.

For them, Donald Trump represents the antithesis of everything they think is wrong with America (e.g. political correctness, free trade, civil disobedience, illegal immigration, the Affordable Care Act, the decline of America's "traditional values," etc.). In other words, Trump represents the antidote for what is poisoning the country they love. As a consequence, they have invested their hope, confidence and support in this image of the man. Moreover, they are well aware of all that they have invested in this man (they know how much they have overlooked). For most of them, to admit that they were wrong - to acknowledge that they have placed the country in jeopardy - to concede that their children, grandchildren and/or liberal friends were right about him - to confess that they might have jeopardized the future of this planet by placing this enormous responsibility in the hands of this man - would be akin to admitting the failure of their own judgment in the matter. Put another way, if he is wrong, that means they are wrong!

That is why those of us who see the dangers to our country which are inherent in Trump's experiences, statements and actions need to be just as steadfast in our opposition to him. We cannot act like all is well - that everything is normal and as it should be. To do so would legitimize him and what he represents and would amount to our acquiescence and culpability in what happens next.  What do you think?


  1. And I totally agree. This is not normal. I'm old enough to know what it's like for my guy to win and for my guy to lose. This is different. This is a man who ridiculed a disabled reporter (and lied while doing it). He boasts that he grabs women by the PUSSY because he's famous, and they let him do that. He trust's Putin and his minions more than he trust his own intelligence operatives. It's wrong. It's all just so wrong.

  2. I totally agree also. He let us know who he was when he was running. I do not expect him to change, why would he in his mind. After all, it is all about him. I hope people are not surprised by his words and actions, if you are, then I question your ability to watch and listen to people.
