Sunday, September 23, 2018

2018 Election: A Referendum on Trump?

Everyone is talking about a "Blue Wave" for the midterm elections in the United States this November. It seems that nearly everyone is convinced that Democrats will take control of the House, and some have even talked about the possibility of taking over the Senate. Whatever happens, it is clear that folks on both sides of the political divide (Democrats and Republicans) view this election as a referendum on Trump and his policies.

In Missouri the other day, Trump told a group of his supporters "Get out in 2018, because you're voting for me!" Trump and his fellow Republicans realize that a Democratic majority in the House or Senate would be a serious impediment to the enactment and furtherance of his agenda.

Likewise, Democrats see this election as what may be their only chance to stop/rein in a Presidency that they see as dangerous and having run amok. Former President Barack Obama recently told a crowd in Illinois: "So if you don't like what's going on right now -- and you shouldn't -- do not complain. Don't hashtag. Don't get anxious. Don't retreat. Don't binge on whatever it is you're binging on. Don't lose yourself in ironic detachment. Don't put your head in the sand. Don't boo. Vote!"

Who will prevail? Will the Democrats and Independents who stayed home in the last election and allowed Donald Trump to be elevated to the presidency come out to vote this time? One thing seems clear to me, the folks who support Trump are going to vote - they're motivated to support their man. They represent somewhere between 35-40% of our fellow citizens. Is that enough to retain control of the House and Senate? You do the math - it depends on who shows up to vote on election day!

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