Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Hurricanes and the Trump Administration

When we consider how the Trump Administration has handled the devastation caused by Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico (one year later and that island has not recovered), I think we are justified in wondering what preparations have been made in anticipation of Hurricane Florence. This massive storm is currently gaining strength and churning toward the Carolina-Virginia coast.

CNN reported today: "'This will be a storm that creates and causes massive damage to our country,' Jeff Byard, Federal Emergency Management Agency associate administrator, said Tuesday morning.
'It is going to be ... a long-term recovery,' Byard said. 'This is not going to be a storm that we recover from in days.'" see - https://www.cnn.com/2018/09/11/us/hurricane-florence-south-east-coast-wxc/index.html

With several days to prepare before the storm hits and the governors of those states already evacuating folks directly in the storm's path, I think that it would be instructive to watch the federal response to Florence closely. I'm praying for the region and its people, and I'm hoping that the Trump Administration does a better job with this one!

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