Sunday, April 5, 2020

Donald Trump on Coronavirus

I'm listening to Trump's daily briefing on the Coronavirus and am sick at my stomach. Virtually all of his comments are along the lines of look what we've done and look what we're doing. He simply cannot refrain from making this all about him. He predicted that looking back on this sometime in the future we'll be very proud of the job that we did.

And, although he managed to say nice things about the way that three Democratic governors have handled the crisis (New York, New Jersey and Washington), he couldn't help himself from taking a swipe at the Governor of Illinois. As a citizen of the state, I can say that we are very well satisfied with the response of Governor J.B. Pritzker. He took decisive action early and has worked tirelessly to contain the virus in our state.

With people beginning to talk about the Trump Administration's late start and the chaotic and decentralized way that things have been handled, he's working overtime to rewrite the story. The economic fallout from shutting down the economy has got him running scared - not because he cares about our nation, but because it could jeopardize his chances for reelection.

Hide and watch. I predict that Trump will crow from the White House rooftop about the success of his Administration's efforts if the death toll turns out to be anything less than 100,000. And it will make no difference to him or his supporters if our country's statistics are among the worst in the world, he will only be interested in the fact that he has beat the projections. Likewise, if the death toll falls anywhere within those projections, he will talk about the lives HE saved. He will declare success! In short, there is virtually no outcome possible where he will not say that he and his Administration have done anything less than a stellar job in their handling of this crisis. He will give himself the traditional A+ rating, and there won't be any admission that any mistakes were made.

I continue to applaud the efforts of our nation's health care workers and governors. Most of our people and businesses have rallied to contain this virus. There is much to swell our hearts and take pride in during these trying times - the performance of the current occupant of the Oval Office is NOT one of them!

1 comment:

  1. This comment was posted to my private e-mail:
    "There will be an accounting when this is all over. One thing for sure, Trump will accept no blame whatsoever for anything that went wrong or was not done when it should have been. He'll blame Democratic governors, Obama, the media, etc., etc., and his core supporters will swallow it all, hook, line, and sinker. He will rate his performance as the best of any president in history in the face of what he'll call the greatest crisis the nation has ever encountered. It's all so predictable."
