Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Don't Give These Folks A Pass!

I've heard it from family members and friends who are Trump supporters: "I'm tired of social distancing and sheltering in place!" and "Why ruin the economy for the sake of a virus with a two percent mortality rate?" and "This is just a plot to ruin Trump, the U.S. economy or both!" Apparently, my circle of Trumpists are not unique in this regard. The Daily Beast published an article entitled "Trumpists Urging People to Leave Their Homes to Own the Libs."

Will Sommer, Erin Banco and Sam Stein wrote: "A protest movement is taking hold targeting states that have extended social-distancing rules, closed schools and restricted access to large religious gatherings. And it’s being fed by loyalists and political allies of President Donald Trump." They continued: "The tension has prompted Republican lawmakers and supporters of the president to publicly call for Americans to defy their local orders, claiming they infringe on constitutional rights."

So much for community spirit and self-sacrifice for the sake of the weak and vulnerable! And make no mistake, this isn't about constitutional rights - what about the rights of the elderly and  immunocompromised folks who live among us? Isn't LIFE one of the fundamental rights referenced in our Declaration of Independence? Are we going to throw out the entire history of the Twentieth Century and say that our government doesn't have any interest in protecting the health of its citizens? Are we going to exalt economic prosperity over human life?

The popular CBS program Sunday Morning recently had a piece featuring Carl Reiner and Mel Brooks, both of whom lived through the Great Depression and served during World War II - members of the Greatest Generation. In addition to the comic relief they provided, their advice to all of us recalled their own lifetime experiences - If we keep our heads down and do what we're supposed to do, we'll get through this. Sounds like good advice from representatives of a generation that is universally respected.

My take away - we cannot let these rebels win! We must not allow those who would sabotage our collective efforts to halt the spread of this virus to succeed. Those of us who do still believe in community spirit and self-sacrifice must point out the selfish, careless and reckless actions and rhetoric of these mean-spirited people (especially the ones we love). Don't go along to get along and don't give them a pass on this one!   

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