Thursday, July 30, 2020

You Don't Have To Take Dr Fauci's Word For It!

Trump recently shared a video of several doctors endorsing hydroxychloroquine as a treatment/cure for Covid-19. And, as he has done on numerous occasions, Dr. Anthony Fauci again pointed out that this drug is not efficacious in the treatment of this virus.

For those who reflexively dismiss anything that the good doctor says, I thought it would be instructive to share a few words from one of my daughters' good friends who happens to also be a nurse. When the virus threatened to overwhelm New York, she volunteered to travel there from Alabama and work for several weeks with Covid patients. What follows is her report about her experience:

"The STAPLE treatment when I was in NYC was hydrochloroquine and Zithromax. I treated every patient with the appropriate dose of those medications and on my entire unit, only saw ONE PATIENT able to be extubated and get better. So, if this is the cure, why didn’t it work? Why did so many people die? Because I can tell you from experience that those medications are exactly what we were using to treat at that time. The video they put out is massively irresponsible.

You guys can absolutely quote me on this issue. I was there. I administered all those medications and saw almost all of my patients get worse or die. The doctors in the video are seriously misrepresenting actual treatments and are adding fuel to the fire of this being a political issue instead of a human issue. It’s disheartening and frustrating as a nurse who’s worked with these patients, and is currently working with these patients, to work yourselves to death to try and treat this virus and be told “the cure has been here all along” when it hasn’t worked and isn’t working. WE DID HCQ AND ZITHROMAX TO NO AVAIL. I’m not saying that they can’t help, but to be listed as the cure? Go to someone else with your lies. Go to someone who didn’t FaceTime families to say goodbye to their loved ones after administering this “cure”. Go to someone who didn’t have to help load body bags after administering this “cure”. Go to someone who didn’t actively treat people and watch them die over and over and over again with this “cure”. It’s the most harmful and hurtful thing to have ever heard as a nurse who administered this “cure” to hundreds of people and then watched them die.

On a positive note, I am seeing better results with remdesivir. We have been treating people at our hospital with this and seen many become better afterwards. I’m not saying that’s the cure, because I am just a nurse, however I am saying that my coworkers and patients who have gotten COVID have had good results after this treatment. There is always hope. We are doing everything we can. We are working tirelessly to help stop the spread and death rate. My patients are so loved by me and my staff, and we are trying."

1 comment:

  1. An Alabamese to the rescue of New Yorkers. That sounds like the Good Samaritan.

    A medal for going beyond the line of duty I say.

