Tuesday, August 4, 2020

FACT CHECK: Trump has NOT done more for blacks than Abraham Lincoln or John Lewis!

Donald Trump says "Nobody has done more for black Americans than I have." He makes this claim because of black employment statistics during his administration prior to the economic downturn resulting from the pandemic.

For the sake of argument, let's give Trump credit for creating those jobs. Abraham Lincoln emancipated the slaves and made black Americans citizens of these United States. John Lewis was one of the primary figures in the Civil Rights Movement and worked tirelessly to ensure that black Americans had a voice at the ballot box. Hmmmm, in the grand sweep of history, three years of job creation doesn't seem like much compared to those achievements. What do you think?


  1. I think black women did more for black men then other men.

    Hundreds of thousands of colored women were members of colored female groups from 1793 on,culminating in the 1900, fighting for universal suffrage and anti lynching, largely forgotten since focus is on the individual big names and white female suffrage groups that largely excluded the colored women or even the black men that did not honor this contribution enough.

    This today is my contribution to the female cause as the moral force behind those "men of stature."


    1. I agree! The ladies are rarely given their due.

    2. Look, I'm kinda an old fashioned guy. Then this week I saw these 1860 photographs of the women group movement, all dressed up. It touched something. My tribute is not entirely off topic since rumor has it that the dinosaur democrat presidential contestant might just choose a lady of color as his running mate.

      I have no opinions on that so far, but I am trying to respectfully stay as close to topic as possible. :-)

      Some say Trump is delusional, just recently I developed this theory that he is a victim of "possibility thinking." If you will believe something hard enough it will come to you. Unfortunately the virus is not a believer.


  2. Jon Lewis was all talk and no action. He failed miserably in his own community in helping african-americans out of poverty.
