Friday, August 21, 2020

What kind of country do we want to be?

The last night of the Democratic National Convention underscored the stark contrast between the two men who are running for President of the United States this year. Do we want kindness and compassion or meanness and indifference? Do we want a President who helps someone who stutters, or someone who makes fun of folks who do? Do we want someone who admires and befriends strongmen, or someone who listens to and supports other democratic leaders? Do we want someone who values truth, or someone who is willing to say whatever it takes to win? Do we want someone who is only interested in those who support him, or someone who tries to accommodate those with whom he disagrees?

Whatever one might think of his ideology or policies, it is clear that Joe Biden is a man of character and integrity. It is clear that he is someone who has suffered loss and has refused to wallow in self-pity. It is also apparent that he loves this country and is devoted to public service.

For me, the choice is clear. Those who are familiar with this blog know that I decided long ago that Donald Trump is unfit for the office he currently holds - that I would NOT support his reelection was a forgone conclusion. I am, however, pleasantly surprised that my vote does not have to be negative - it will not be an unpleasant task to vote FOR Joseph R. Biden for President of this republic! And I hope all of you will consider doing the same.


  1. How do you feel about Kamala? Because, Biden won't make it through the debates. Would you vote for Hillary? Susan Rice?

    You know, if Tulsi was the nominee, it would actually be a close race.

    1. Kamala Harris would not have been my first pick for the vice-presidential spot on the ticket, but I do think that she is smart and quick on her feet. Nevertheless, as I am not a Democrat, I don't think the folks in that party probably have much regard for my opinion one way or the other!

  2. LOL, I guess you didn't watch the Democrat debates! Kamala bombed!

    1. I did watch the debates. She bombed on healthcare, and she was not very effective on the campaign trail. However, she is very articulate, and her skill set as a former prosecutor help her in debating. I would not be surprised if she "wins" her debate with Pence. Again, she was not my choice for VP.

    2. She might as well debate Trump then, because Biden ain't gonna be President. That would be much more entertaining. I'm stocking up on popcorn already!
