Sunday, September 13, 2020

Big Trouble Ahead?

If the result of the upcoming election is not decisive, it appears to me that our country is headed for big trouble (of the 1860 variety). Trump and his supporters are already laying the groundwork for challenging any result that doesn't make them the winners (with challenges to mail-in voting and charges of voter fraud). Likewise, liberals and Democratic operatives have been screaming about the potential impact of changes implemented by Trump's Postmaster General and ongoing efforts by Russians to help Trump in the election. Add to this assertions by both sides that a win by the other will result in the demise of this republic, and you have a recipe for disaster in November.

That's why I believe we need an old-fashioned landslide this Fall! If you think about it, there has been a significant portion of our electorate who has regarded the last three presidents (Bush 43, Obama and Trump) as being illegitimate. That is NOT a good trend and doesn't bode well for our acceptance of the results of this upcoming election. In such a polarized climate, this may be an exercise in wishful thinking. Nevertheless, for the sake of our country, I'm praying for a decisive result in November. Without it, I fear that we may be approaching a time of trouble that will rival what happened between the 1860 election and the inauguration of Abraham Lincoln.

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