Tuesday, September 29, 2020

A Train Wreck!

As the debate between Trump and Biden drew to a close, I turned to Darlene and said "this is a train wreck!" In looking at some of the post debate commentary, I see that many folks had the exact same reaction to the event. Moreover, if anyone was looking for a coherent statement of the differences between the two candidates, they were almost certainly sadly disappointed with what actually transpired. I know that I was!

I was also frankly a little shocked by the performance of the moderator, Chris Wallace. As someone who has admired his performance as a journalist for many years, I was dismayed by his powerlessness in the face of Donald Trump's relentless attacks and blatant disregard for the rules of the debate (ostensibly agreed upon in advance by both campaigns). When it was over, it was clear that Trump had succeeded in demolishing yet another norm of American politics (and can anyone doubt that that is precisely what he wanted to accomplish?).

Frankly, if I were Joe Biden, this would be the one and only debate of this election year - I would NOT do another one. It wasn't just the fact that Trump talked over his opponent and continually interrupted him - It was the fact that the mayhem/chaos prevented American voters from deriving ANY benefit whatsoever from what transpired. In other words, this debate was an exercise in futility. And, after participating in such an event or witnessing such an event, I can't imagine ANYONE (except Trump) wanting a repeat of what happened tonight. In fact, I'm going to predict that the audience for a second debate (if we have one) will be much smaller than this one. What do you think?


  1. The problem is that "the challenger" needs the debate in order to make a point to the voting audience.

    Trump massively succeeded in preventing the opponent to make any point and look stupid if he did.

    In the current political climate (revolution, helter skelter) this is the winning strategy.

    Unless "something bad happens" by trumps doing between now and the election.

    The problem you and I have is that we prefer original news, sources to short video clips and have a concentration time span that lasts more than 15 seconds before we need another adrenaline push.

    We are not fearful and had/have quite ordinary middle class lives - aspiring to be better.

    Thats why we will gaze in amazement when Trump wins his 2nd term by a landslide.

    The USA is in need of a psychological reset and only some amazingly shocking event, rendering the current president incapable of delivering the nation and affecting the entire US will accomplish that unifying event.

    The USA has a Messiah syndrome and is following the one "with the rod of iron" to chastise them with the promise of salvation. Never fall in the trappings of filling the role of *the adversary, or anti messiah*, or you will be branded as "an intellectual", which is the worst type of person when people are tuned into believing.

    I dont know what the shock will be, national guard killing thousands when California or Texas seccede, massive covid death toll affecting every family and even the government, or a simple mistake by Trump on the international scene breaking the spell nationally.


  2. Now then you ask. What does the people feel need "delivering of?"

    Personally I was appalled when the Cheney, Rumsfeld government squandered American international prestige and traded "soft power diplomacy", for sheer power pushing on the international scene.

    I must however recognize that the Obama/Clinton administration, whilst posing as rational, sympathetic and reasonable, in reality trashed domestic cohesion by shredding American traditional values within a short time period.

    Liberals did not recognize what the "silent majority" had condoned for decades or what they had accepted as true.

    Trump appeals to a version of what seems "true" to a vast segment of todays constituency.

    The battle for the hearts and minds is psychological and therefore in the spiritual realm. We need to watch for the symbolism used by the "wizzards and miracle makers or the artists for that matter.

    For the Germanic psyche it is the symbolism of the dark teutonic forrest.

    A split in the road may take the german along a dangerous dark path where the evil spirits wager death. Or the wood road may take the german onto a romantic quest to freedom, sovereign castles, sleeping beauties. The symbolism of the artists shows the way.

    I'm not sure what triggers the American soul into aspiration.

    Perhaps the symbolism of light.

    The lux eternam of the protestants. The beacon of lady liberty, ronald reagans sun, its morning again in america, (for insiders, the amb aud lighted in the cali night as a beacon and polished jewel connecting modernity with the ancient)

    For lack of a better alternative (unless offered), I will be looking for artistry using the sign of "light" and see how it is displayed or received, to "predict" where we are heading.

    Just as I look how Germans deal with darkness of the primordial forrest.

    It can go two ways and elections to me are just a formal recognition of a psychological base for destiny.


    1. Great observations, but I hope that you're wrong about a Trump victory. I have to hope that there are still enough rational Americans left to break this spell and cast off the mantle of this wicked man. I think that you're right about the spiritual nature of this phenomenon.

      Trump's supporters see him as the savior of Anglo-American values and traditions. They and their ancestors have to always be the good guys. The fact that America has always been a mix of good and bad, mistakes and successes, noble and ignoble is too complex and nuanced for their liking. For many Americans, their ancestors carved this shining city on a hill out of the dark primordial forest (Americans have a lot of German ancestry).

      As you suggest, aspiration is the opposite of this fear-based view. It is an appeal to the "better angels of our nature." It is a recognition that the ideals expressed in our founding documents have merit and are worthy goals. For those of us on the other side, there is this belief and hope that America has the potential to be what the other side believes they've already achieved.

    2. Thank you for filling in some wide gaps I left in my attempt of artistry. Also some of the gaps are intentional "open arms" toward our libertarian friend dbp.

      Before totalitarianism set in in prewar Germany the poets often used the phrase "das Leichte" to point out evil, perhaps translated into, "the easy path", somehow pointing toward the observed preference for, appearance over substance, or form without content.

      I am not German, I am however a lifelong student of the appearance/shape of evil in its often shocking transformation from the extreme mundane and boring.

      Yes the white hat or blackhat cowboy imagery. If life were just that easy.

      I believe both parties, but also the progression of time have eroded the self image of "who we are", this void can be exploited by defining the self "against the other".

      The Romantic ideal however is not nationalism against the other, but leaves room for explicit cultural differences but commonality through a shared hunanity, akin to "e pluribus unum".

      Or in the words of Schiller in the "european anthem" +, ode to joy.

      "Seid umschlungen, Millionen,
      Diesen Kuß der ganzen Welt!"

      -be embraced you millions (with different outlooks but shared hunanity)
      -and later...... Heed your creator living beyond the stars.
      (the cosmic perspective) Or for the insiders ("the big picture", ir the "earth as seen from moon" imagery (start of each and every behind the work movie) , when we entered the age of aquarius........in 1970?


    3. So, miracles happen. It seems Melania does kiss Trump!

      Postponement of the elections?
      A Coup?
      Sympathy votes?
      Russian vaccine, providing eternal grattitude to savior Putin?

      In any case,
      "Hope" rules!

      What a "Hicks" up!

