Tuesday, September 29, 2020

A Train Wreck!

As the debate between Trump and Biden drew to a close, I turned to Darlene and said "this is a train wreck!" In looking at some of the post debate commentary, I see that many folks had the exact same reaction to the event. Moreover, if anyone was looking for a coherent statement of the differences between the two candidates, they were almost certainly sadly disappointed with what actually transpired. I know that I was!

I was also frankly a little shocked by the performance of the moderator, Chris Wallace. As someone who has admired his performance as a journalist for many years, I was dismayed by his powerlessness in the face of Donald Trump's relentless attacks and blatant disregard for the rules of the debate (ostensibly agreed upon in advance by both campaigns). When it was over, it was clear that Trump had succeeded in demolishing yet another norm of American politics (and can anyone doubt that that is precisely what he wanted to accomplish?).

Frankly, if I were Joe Biden, this would be the one and only debate of this election year - I would NOT do another one. It wasn't just the fact that Trump talked over his opponent and continually interrupted him - It was the fact that the mayhem/chaos prevented American voters from deriving ANY benefit whatsoever from what transpired. In other words, this debate was an exercise in futility. And, after participating in such an event or witnessing such an event, I can't imagine ANYONE (except Trump) wanting a repeat of what happened tonight. In fact, I'm going to predict that the audience for a second debate (if we have one) will be much smaller than this one. What do you think?

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

1860/2020: On the Brink of Civil War

I have been writing about the dangerous state of affairs that exist within the current political climate in the United States of America. The extremes on both the right and the left have seemingly thrown caution to the wind and have embraced a scorched earth approach to ensuring the triumph of their side. In short, the long simmering culture war is threatening to turn into a full-fledged civil war. Moreover, I'm not the only one who thinks that this is a real possibility.

Salon just published a piece by Chauncey DeVega entitled Disunited States: Could a second Civil War...really happen? The article is based on a new book by Richard Kreitner entitled Break It Up. The piece opens by pointing out how the current occupant of the Oval Office thinks in terms of red and blue states, and how he feels absolutely no obligation to assist blue states. The article then moves on to point out how Trump and Barr have threatened to use the Insurrection Act and charge people with sedition who choose to oppose his "victory" in November.

DeVega relates how Kreitner views the "Age of Trump" as "one of several moments in the country's history where it almost collapsed into a state of civil war and widespread political violence." He continues: "What we are learning as a people in the Age of Trump is that what holds the United States and the constitutional order together is a matter of habit and practice. I would perhaps go so far as to say inertia. The United States has really not been able to agree on institutional arrangements that would make for a stable and unified nation."

As the article makes clear, this unsettled nature of "institutional arrangements" goes all the way back to the founding of the nation. The compromises that the Founding Fathers fashioned in terms of state vs federal power, and popular governance on the federal level vs state control (giving smaller states a larger voice in the Senate), are wearing thin. We are also reminded how righteous extremists provoked the Civil War of 1861-1865, and how the rebels were accommodated and appeased as they were ushered back into the union. In short, there has always been a substantial part of our citizenry who have resisted any diminution of white supremacy within this nation. In other words, some of the same issues that haunted our ancestors are still with us today - never having been entirely resolved by those earlier conflicts.

Finally, when DeVega asked Kreitner about a possible scenario for how the nation might disintegrate into civil war, he pointed to our current circumstances. He concluded: "There is an election that is existential, one of the most important in American history. There are many millions of guns in the United States and lots of discussions by the right wing about using them. The issues that led to the first civil war remain in many ways unresolved. There is a massive reckoning over the country's own history that has been long postponed. Resolving such matters is rarely peaceful. There are also foreign adversaries and other forces who are interfering in the election. All the elements for the story are present right now in America."

The stakes couldn't be higher. Both sides are playing for keeps. The margins for compromise have grown smaller and smaller with each day. The sides have already been chosen. The fuse has been lit; and, unfortunately, I don't see anyone on the scene who is willing and able to defuse it!

Friday, September 18, 2020

Mitch McConnell is a HYPOCRITE!

Whatever your ideology, whatever your stance on Roe v Wade, Mitch McConnell's statement on the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg should be condemned by everyone with an ounce of decency or any sense of fair play. We all recall how the Senate Majority Leader refused to consider Barack Obama's nominee to replace Justice Scalia when he died in February of 2016 - citing the approaching November Presidential election as his reason for doing so. Justice RBG, who also happened to enjoy a close friendship with Scalia, has died less than two months before the 2020 election; but Senator McConnell has already declared that he has no such scruples this time around. If he does succeed in replacing Ginsburg, let's all hope that this is Senator McConnell's final act.

"My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed" - Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Science is on Biden's side!

In a first, the 175 year old magazine Scientific American has endorsed a candidate for President of the United States!  see Scientific American Endorses Joe Biden Citing the now clear evidence that Trump's policies have "badly damaged the U.S. and its people," they have endorsed Democratic nominee Joe Biden for president.

The editors point out that Trump's response to Covid-19 has been "dishonest and inept." They also point to the fact that his administration has discarded many environmental protections and has actively sought to dismantle the Affordable Care Act. In short, they claim that Trump's rejection of science, common sense public health measures and global warming have endangered this republic; and this blogger completely agrees with that assessment.

Moreover, the magazine's editors point to Trump's own record to back up their claims. Their opinion, however, is not based entirely on the very negative nature of Trump's performance on these issues. They go on to cite several key provisions of Biden's plans that would improve the dismal circumstances in which the nation finds itself at present.

The editors conclude: "It's time to move Trump out and elect Biden, who has a record of following the data and being guided by science." I wholeheartedly agree - We desperately need a leader who will be guided by scientific evidence and common sense! 

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Big Trouble Ahead?

If the result of the upcoming election is not decisive, it appears to me that our country is headed for big trouble (of the 1860 variety). Trump and his supporters are already laying the groundwork for challenging any result that doesn't make them the winners (with challenges to mail-in voting and charges of voter fraud). Likewise, liberals and Democratic operatives have been screaming about the potential impact of changes implemented by Trump's Postmaster General and ongoing efforts by Russians to help Trump in the election. Add to this assertions by both sides that a win by the other will result in the demise of this republic, and you have a recipe for disaster in November.

That's why I believe we need an old-fashioned landslide this Fall! If you think about it, there has been a significant portion of our electorate who has regarded the last three presidents (Bush 43, Obama and Trump) as being illegitimate. That is NOT a good trend and doesn't bode well for our acceptance of the results of this upcoming election. In such a polarized climate, this may be an exercise in wishful thinking. Nevertheless, for the sake of our country, I'm praying for a decisive result in November. Without it, I fear that we may be approaching a time of trouble that will rival what happened between the 1860 election and the inauguration of Abraham Lincoln.