Saturday, October 31, 2020

Another Trump Environmental Disaster in the Making

The Trump Administration has been a disaster for the environment. The Great Orange One has withdrawn the U.S. from the Paris climate agreement, rolled back environmental regulations, encouraged fossil fuel development, reduced the size of national monuments and is now trying to open up the Tongass National Forest to logging!

Check out this article in The Washington Post:

Trump Strips Alaska's Tongass

Among many others, another reason not to support the re-election of this buffoon!

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Rudi and Rupert hate being ignored!

In case you haven't heard, Rudi Giuliani passed along a sleazy story about a laptop that supposedly belonged to Hunter Biden to Rupert Murdoch's New York Post. Of course, the entire point of the story was to damage Democratic nominee Joe Biden by linking him to his son's supposedly shady business dealings overseas. The reason you may not have heard about the story is that most social media and all reputable news outlets have completely ignored the story!

At best, it was a clumsy and ham-handed effort to sling some mud. It was definitely a joint effort by the world's greatest conservative media mogul, and the previously highly regarded former mayor of New York. Unfortunately, a great many of the intelligence analysts who have looked at the story have concluded that the genesis of the smear most likely began as another Russian disinformation effort directed at securing the re-election of their favorite president. 

Oh well, I guess we can all be thankful that the story never saw the light of day outside of the self-reinforcing conservative bubble. We can only imagine how much the lack of attention infuriates Rudi, Rupert and The Donald! 

Sunday, October 25, 2020

MAGA - Dump Trump!

After four years of extreme polarization and chaos, it's time to turn the page! We've had four years of bullying friends and opponents. We've had four years of a relentless effort to erase the entire legacy of President Obama. We've had four years of working to undermine democratic institutions and sustained attacks on a free press. We've had four years of a foreign policy that has sought to ridicule and harangue longtime allies and embrace strongmen and dictators around the world. We've had four years of stoking/inflaming long simmering racial tensions. We've had four years of governing exclusively for the benefit of RED states and actively pursuing policies to hurt BLUE states. And, finally, we have had ten months of trying to spin a deadly pandemic, and a stubborn refusal to fundamentally address either the health or economic issues which it has generated.

That America is NOT in a good place right now should be self-evident to everyone. I've heard it said that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome is the definition of insanity. How do we get out of this dark place that we're obviously in right now? How do we restore some semblance of tranquility and normalcy at home and our reputation as the leader of the free world? In short, how can we make America great again? The answer to me seems obvious: Change our leadership and direction. It's time to dump Trump and try something different!

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

The New England Journal of Medicine

 Like Scientific American, The New England Journal of Medicine has taken the extraordinary step of weighing-in on the 2020 race for president. The New York Times reported that the unprecedented editorial read: “When it comes to the response to the largest public health crisis of our time, our current political leaders have demonstrated that they are dangerously incompetent. We should not abet them and enable the deaths of thousands more Americans by allowing them to keep their jobs.”

Rebuking Trump

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Christians and Trump

Pastor Bill Watson of the Church of God International delivered a sermon on August 15 entitled “Let Your Voice Be Heard.”

In his sermon, Mr. Watson made clear who he thinks his congregation should be voting for in November. He said:

Brethren, I’m sounding an alarm. I don’t know whether you would agree with this or not…but I personally believe…we are one election away from losing this country very severely. And, consequently, all I’m saying is we have the power - because there is power in the people’s vote, if indeed you should be so inclined, to do that - because frankly ‘all hands on deck.’ I don’t know how you think about voting…but I will tell you this: you have a voice in our system…And I have just shared with you over the last two weeks what is really going on with this guy <name unintelligible> and his cultural Marxism - and tacticians like Saul Alinsky, who are implementing as field lieutenants, through his book, even while he’s dead - cause he died in 72…And I’ll say this: God will not bless a nation beyond its own vote. We have the record: “Israel you want a king? Take it. I’m not going to cast the tribes out of the country - that was your job to do - to hold the line, to teach your children, to save and to preserve your families, to get back to God”…Israel failed to do it, and what happened to them? They failed as a nation. They went into captivity…And guess what, if we don’t have ‘all hands on deck,’ there’s going to be a lot of good people that are going to have to unnecessarily suffer too. So, what’s my message brethren? My message is very simple: Remember Joshua and Caleb and their courage. Don’t be like the other eleven…learn to appreciate their resolve and their courage. Don’t underestimate the need for resolve and courage. I could spend hours up here showing you even more detail of the tactics that have been used to fool us, to change us, and to melt us down and compromise us…So remember…that God is in your life and by what he’s shown you…And you see God’s done a lot for you – done a lot for me…God’s been good, brethren, good to all of us here in this land of Manasseh. And it’s really important that all of us understand that we’ve got to preserve this country, and we’ve got to act! God is not going to do it for us…Don’t be afraid brethren to make a stand - when making a stand you know is right. You have a choice in the next three months coming up to make a choice for nationalism and populism, if you’re a voter…You have a choice to choose: Are you going to vote nationalistic - a country with borders – policy, policy, policy! OR Are you going to vote for a socialistic government, open borders, reengage into the Globalist agenda…and vote for the socialist party.

This is a good example of the way Christians justify their support for a man who is morally bankrupt.