Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Rudi and Rupert hate being ignored!

In case you haven't heard, Rudi Giuliani passed along a sleazy story about a laptop that supposedly belonged to Hunter Biden to Rupert Murdoch's New York Post. Of course, the entire point of the story was to damage Democratic nominee Joe Biden by linking him to his son's supposedly shady business dealings overseas. The reason you may not have heard about the story is that most social media and all reputable news outlets have completely ignored the story!

At best, it was a clumsy and ham-handed effort to sling some mud. It was definitely a joint effort by the world's greatest conservative media mogul, and the previously highly regarded former mayor of New York. Unfortunately, a great many of the intelligence analysts who have looked at the story have concluded that the genesis of the smear most likely began as another Russian disinformation effort directed at securing the re-election of their favorite president. 

Oh well, I guess we can all be thankful that the story never saw the light of day outside of the self-reinforcing conservative bubble. We can only imagine how much the lack of attention infuriates Rudi, Rupert and The Donald! 


  1. Since you brought up the laptop, it's real, unlike the steele dossier. Just imagine if that "laptop from hell" belonged to one of Trump's sons. Oh boy! Just try ignoring those d1ck pics and underage images of sexual impropierty, but get a load of those documents. Just now, a Senate committee has just verified all Bobulinski materials. And this from yesterday, make sure you listen to the audio clip from Hunter himself. Last night, I listened to a full episode of Tucker for the first time. Damning information!

  2. Check this out:

  3. Oh boy! More partisanship, "circular reporting", seeing things through the eyes of "confirmation bias", along with a unhealthy dose of TDS! You do realize the MSM or any news outlet can outright lie or spin a half-truth,..right? This is why we must aggresively seek the truth for ourselves. Relying on the silver tongue of the MSM to hand it to us on a silver platter is lazy and dangerous. The truth will never be handed to us. We must seek it to find it. It is there, obfuscated by a myriad of masquerading messages, but it can be discovered.

    I could break down that NBC article in great detail, if desired. But let's get back to the laptop and not Guiliani, Trump's kids, or the World Food Program's Nobel Peace Prize. So, just for contrast in reporting, here's a fauxnews report on the laptop. It is against the law to reveal details of an ongoing criminal investigation. This laptop could be the tip of an iceberg of Corruption. Some day, just imagine when Weiner's "insurance folder" sees the light of day!

    By the way, did you see Tony Bobulinski's interview?
