Saturday, October 31, 2020

Another Trump Environmental Disaster in the Making

The Trump Administration has been a disaster for the environment. The Great Orange One has withdrawn the U.S. from the Paris climate agreement, rolled back environmental regulations, encouraged fossil fuel development, reduced the size of national monuments and is now trying to open up the Tongass National Forest to logging!

Check out this article in The Washington Post:

Trump Strips Alaska's Tongass

Among many others, another reason not to support the re-election of this buffoon!


  1. If you choose not to reframe those things in such great over-generalizations, all three of those things benefit the development of mankind in their own particular way.

  2. I really didn't like his administrations decision on the Grand Staircase Escalante NP.

    People may have compelling arguments in favor of his/their decision, but I just love that type of unfettered environment.

