Friday, November 6, 2020

The Dawn of a New Day OR More of the Same?

Donald Trump continues to demonstrate on a daily basis that he is unfit to be President of the United States! One has only to scan his Twitter account since election day to see that this is true. On election night, he tweeted: "I will be making a statement tonight. A big WIN!" And, as we all know, neither one of the major party candidates for President was in a position to make such a statement that evening. We all knew that the Coronavirus Pandemic had generated the return of an inordinately large number of mail-in ballots (which Trump had been decrying for months prior, and many states had precluded from being opened and counted until the polls had closed). Hence, we ALL knew (including Trump) that almost all of the initial vote counting would reflect only the totals of the ballots that had been cast on election day! Indeed, as of the writing of this post, election officials are still counting those mail-in votes in MANY states!

Moreover, in the days following the election, Trump has continuously issued tweets demanding that Americans who chose to vote by mail be disenfranchised - that their votes not be counted. On the day after the election, Trump tweeted: "How come every time they count Mail-In ballot dumps they are so devastating in their percentage and power of destruction?" The answer of course was clear to everyone: Democrats (and those who were fearful of exposure to Covid-19) were encouraged to vote by mail, and Republicans were encouraged by their man to vote on election day! Hence, it came as a surprise to NO ONE that mail-in ballots heavily favored the Democratic candidate when they were unsealed and counted (just as election day voting favored the Republican candidate)! A little later, Trump continued his offensive with this tweet: "They are finding Biden votes all over the place — in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan. So bad for our Country!" And this tweet which was blocked by Twitter because it was considered to be so blatantly misleading: "They are working hard to make up 500,000 vote advantage in Pennsylvania disappear — ASAP. Likewise, Michigan and others!" No one was "working hard" to erase his advantage - They were simply counting votes! Later that day, he tweeted: "We are winning Pennsylvania big, but the PA Secretary of State just announced that there are 'Millions of ballots left to be counted.'" In desperation, watching his election day margin disappear, Trump tweeted the following day: "STOP THE COUNT!"

Reading Trump's Twitter thread is like walking through an alternative reality. And, while he is preoccupied with tweeting, his lawyers have been working tirelessly to throw every legal challenge that they can imagine at state election officials to try to influence the outcome of the counting in favor of their boss! Even though observers from both parties have been present throughout the counting of these ballots, they have demanded more Trump supporters and a closer view of the process. In short, they have been throwing everything at the wall and hoping something will stick. Moreover, Trump and his allies look incredulous when anyone has the audacity to accuse them of undermining the integrity of the election process!

Fortunately, as of this writing, the counting of votes continues. It is my sincere hope and prayer that Trump's tantrums and efforts to disrupt that process will continue to fall flat. It appears that Joseph R. Biden is now on track to be confirmed as the 46th President of the United States. In the popular vote, Biden is currently ahead of Trump by 4 million votes! That's quite a margin, but we know that the final tally will probably be even more impressive because of the nature of those mail-in ballots that are currently being counted. In my opinion, Trump has done incalculable damage to this republic and its institutions, and I share his impatience with the counting. Biden's victory can't come soon enough for me! I'm looking forward to the dawn of a new day!  


  1. Wow

    The real problem is that Trump garnered more votes than any person ever before (probably with the exception of Biden), millions more than 2016 and its a huge tie between him and Biden, nearly 50-50, even when he lies and desecrated the Republic.

    I do not believe Biden can fix this problem in 4 years and the sheer number of votes Trump got suggest that the Democratic Party is part of the problem that divides America.

    The Democrats should therefore immediately move to the Center or face the annihilation of America not by an amateur like Trump but a career politician from the Right.


    1. That the nation is divided is beyond dispute. However, I disagree with your 50-50 characterization. Four million plus votes is a healthy majority. Hillary won the popular vote by almost 3 million. Because of the electoral college, we've had minority rule for four years.
      Even so, I do think that the way that this has played out may offer some hope for the future. Because there was no "blue wave," I don't think that Biden will be as beholden to the left and will be more free to make deals with Republicans in the Senate. Not only will this steer the nation toward the center, it may serve to mitigate some of the extreme partisanship that has developed over the last twenty years.

    2. I share your hope Miller.

      You seriously disregard my point on the highest turn out of voters ever with a near 50-50 divide of the nation in voting preference by "democratic technicalities" like a "(healthy) majority" for one of the candidates, "dealmaking opportunities", "partisanship" etc etc etc. All terms showing you are expressing understanding of constitutional law, but do not seem to acknowledge my point on why this divide has occured acknowledging the Democrat part.

      If people vote for an imbecile lying autocrat it ceases to be about "jobs".

      This is existential for many people and the "winner" Biden should heed, being the usual "partisan politician" the next 4 years but try be a biblical, patriarch, fatherly, philosopher president even perhaps losing the next election for his party to a benign (traditional) Republican or face the annihilatin of the USA internally divided, abhorred by its allies and its weakness taken advantage of by its adversaries. Apple, Microsoft and Netflix will not save the Republic in the end.

      The restoration of civic pride will. Either Biden is going to have to restore that or Trump will be a nice benign memory if the undercurrent produces a new champion, this time a professional not an awkward amateur as Trump actually was.

      What a winner this Trump phenomenon. An abysmal figure but still in my opinion only a "result" not the cause. Beware if someone able "causes" his election.


  2. And yet, not one mention of voter irregularities, fraud, and the breaking of election laws! Ready your sword this week. Blind Justice under the Law is about to be returned to our Republic. Do you remember "Dewey Defeats Truman", or the election of 1876. If not, maybe then the election chaos of 2000? Gore didn't concede till December. Remember this, the MSM does not decide who wins an election no matter how effective their propaganda works on some people. And as far as I am concerned, the mask of the MSM has fully fallen away this time. It has become obvious to those who do not live in an echochamber of the blind hatred. It was foolish and devisive to do what they have done. If laws have been broken and fraud can be proved in a court of law, you can expect Trump to enact the 14th ammendment.

    I ask again, seriously, what would it take to lose trust/faith in the MSM?
    Partisanship? Collusion? Censorship? Lies? Corruption? Treason?

  3. True DBP, regarding the press and constitutional law.

    We will see the results on election night the 14th of december when the Electoral College casts their votes.

    I do not need the press to judge Trump uncivilized, a liar and unfit. But he may still be right whilst being uncultured and lacking in basic civil human communication skills, but he may still speak truth. I mean Moses lacked communication skills and hit the rock with his stick like a savage yet he was the father of constitutional law. John the Baptist was deemed an uncivilized barbarian and kings presented his head on a platter (like most foreign heads of State already congratulating Biden with the exception of Russia and China who of course are right), yet John did prepare the way for Christ.

    After all I KNEW Powell to LIE at the UN regarding WMD in Iraq, although he may not have been a liar like the CIA providing him with the wrong data.


  4. DBP

    Do you know what happens when Biden dies of a stroke between now and the Electoral College vote?

    New elections or prez Kamma?


  5. Nck, the 20th ammendment says that the vice-president-elect would become the president-elect. Here is some foreshadowing for you. Biden's loved ones should fear for his safety. Kamala is Hillary 2.0. She is in fact more hated than Hillary on the left and her failed DNC primary campaign was staffed by former Clinton staffers since the DNC would not let HC be the nominee again. Would you be surprised who Kamala's VP pick will be? If HC isn't VP, then she will be Secretary of Defense. LOL. Trump, Pence, and Pelosi are about to go into hiding soon.

    There's still plenty of chaos left in 2020!

  6. Let's wait and see what the courts say. I may be wrong, but I'm betting that they defer to the voters.

    1. What? Why wouldn't the SC defer to the voters!
      Oh wait!
      Is Trump so bad that it would justify cheating and stealing an election?

    2. Who is cheating? Who is attempting to steal an election? If you're convinced that Trump's claims of fraud have merit, then let's see what the courts say! I'm betting that the courts will say that ALL ballots cast in good faith by November 3 will be counted toward the final tally. And, if they do, that makes Joe Biden President on January 20!

    3. The wonderful thing about the claims made by the Trump camp is that the "fraud' is so enormous and omnipresent that it takes a toddler to prove this "massive fraud".

      It won't take constitutional lawyers to prove such "easy" to prove claims of half a million fraudulent votes per State.

      Thanks Trump camp for making it so easy to prove .........or disprove...


  7. Thx DBP.

    All this hate and polarization. Yet no one today knows who Horace Greeley was.

    HC could do the VP thing with plenty of Senate experience.

    As I said the Democrats should steer straight in the center for 4 years or face electoral annihilation.

    I mean Trumps results are an exceptional feat, 70 million adult voters choosing for whatever he said or did the past years. Democrats should defuse that time bomb by halting polarization.

    I don't know if the Clintons wield the same power as the Cheney-Rumsfeld Presidency backed by the powerful conservative networks (heritage, cfr etc)

    For starters I believe Biden should make rigid plans for stopping Covid but NOT implement them until the individual States beg the Federal Government to do so, because of all the dead people in front of the hospital steps, not a single second earlier.

    Prez Kamala, I'm betting it will happen. She should go ALL feminine on the USA. Like New Zealand, Denmark and Finland. Not be a half man, which disgusts voters.


  8. I think that some of the ladies have demonstrated spectacular leadership at the nation-state level. In particular, the British have been far ahead of us on this one!

    I'm thinking of Elizabeth I on the eve of confronting the Spanish Armada - She said: "I know I have the body but of a weak and feeble woman; but I have the heart and stomach of a king, and of a king of England too, and think foul scorn that Parma or Spain, or any prince of Europe, should dare to invade the borders of my realm: to which rather than any dishonor shall grow by me, I myself will take up arms, I myself will be your general, judge, and rewarder of every one of your virtues in the field."

    And, remember Margaret Thatcher in 1982? The Argentinians invaded the Falklands, and she went to war to get them back:
    "Mr. Speaker, I should like to make a statement on the Falkland Islands. Early this morning in Port Stanley, 74 days after the Falkland Islands were invaded, General Moore accepted from General Menendez the surrender of all the Argentine forces in East and West Falkland together with their arms and equipment."
    And, remember Golda Meir of Israel? She said: "To be successful, a woman has to be better at her job than a man." and "Whether women are better than men I cannot say, but I can say they are certainly no worse."

  9. Hi Miller.

    Lucy Worsley said that the speech at Tilbury was actually delivered 11 days after the Armada was defeated.

    But hey. Boadicea did avenge her daughters. Femininity may indeed in no way signal weakness, just another type of tenacity.

    My point on the Tilbury speech. Real history often diverges from what is written down.

    The Bastille storming actually freed 6 fools and one english lunatic but went down as the symbol of liberation of the oppressed. I'm ok with symbols and narratives, LEST the 10.000 bread baking women protesting at Versailles are not forgotten, which was a far more significant event in real history, the tens of thousands of ladies following the Grand Armee into Moscow or Melania selflessly preparing the White House Christmas decorations whilst not giving a damn about these customs. Brave ladies placing their nations before self.


    1. Hey Nck,

      Thanks for giving her remarks some context. However, we should not leave anyone with the false impression that the Queen's remarks were delivered after the threat of invasion had completely disappeared. From the perspective of the troops who had been assembled at Tilbury for the purpose of repelling a Spanish ground invasion, that threat still existed. They were not aware of what had happened at Gravelines, and the Spanish fleet had not been destroyed in that battle anyway. You will remember that the badly damaged ships were later scattered by "God's winds."
      You're right to point out that history is full of such ironies. Andrew Jackson's victory at the Battle of New Orleans AFTER the War of 1812 had already been resolved by the Treaty of Ghent is another one.

  10. Wow just 3 days in office and Joe Biden invents a cure for Covid. Best thing since Al Gore invented the internet.
    Eat that DBP.


    1. Can't ask enough questions these days DBP, I agree!

      Here's your answer: :-) :-) :-)


  11. Man alive.

    You are better informed than my kin who was educated in several nations but only later found out that the educational part in "the Commonwealth" had unfortunately ommitted the contribution of other nations to the world.

    The entire context of the Armada is a narrative of protestant "ascension propaganda", albeit hard fought and well earned.

    You don't hear much about the Drake Norris expedition of 1589.

    I wouldnt have made a fuss about it if the thwarting of history and national pride wouldnt have been topical with the gross deception of the British by Boris Johnson as if they are not Europeans but gods gift to the world.

    Biden will not go for that nonsense to the detriment of the deceived british.



  12. Now the Trumpist idiots are claiming the Pfizer results. It is not even part of "Warpspeed."

    When will these lying excuses for human beings ever stop. And I am probably ad conservative or more as Mike Pence.

    They are a horrific atrocity. What is behind this. I dont believe in the devil. But how much can people lie before being classified as demonic.

    What has happened to the great people of the USA (at least 70 million), what is driving this insanity and I have never been Democratic I'm a Jeffersonian.

