Friday, November 13, 2020


As the much anticipated and expected "Blue Wave" did not materialize, it now appears that control of the United States Senate will come down to what happens in the runoff elections in Georgia. Moreover, it appears that Biden's margin of victory in that state was just over fourteen thousand votes - not likely to be overturned, but not big! Hence, for Democrats to have any chance of capturing those two seats, Republicans are going to have to swallow Trump's narrative that their votes don't really count - that Democrats will discard Republican votes and pad their own totals. Hopefully, they will realize that their votes aren't going to count anyway, so they may as well stay home for this new election!

Wait a minute! I know that many of my Republican friends will have no sense of humor about this, so I will point out the intentional use of satire and sarcasm for this post. I do NOT really hope that Republicans buy what Trump is selling. I hope that they will reject his false narrative about voter fraud in 2020 and realize that their votes held off that "Blue Wave." And, if Biden can find even a few Republican senators that would be willing to play something other than a purely obstructionist role during the next four years, I'm thinking divided government may even prove to be a good thing - tempering or thwarting the more extreme impulses/agenda of some of Biden's supporters on the left. Maybe that would be something we could all eventually rally around - moving the republic back to the middle (restoring some of our equilibrium)? 

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