Wednesday, January 6, 2021


As I write, Trump's D.C. protest has turned violent, and his supporters have forced their way into the United States Capitol building! So much for law and order and supporting the police! The problem with outrageous claims and political posturing is that some folks will take it all to heart and believe that it justifies outrageous behavior like this on their part.

This is a sad day for this republic. A mob has succeeded in overthrowing a Constitutionally mandated exercise of democratic governance - the formal acceptance by Congress of the vote of the Electoral College. The mob should be immediately dispersed and forcibly removed from those hallowed hallways and chambers! This is NOT peaceful protest. The shining city on the hill doesn't look so shiny right now!


  1. From a law enforcement perspective it's a minor breach by people dressed im funny bison clothes.

    From a symbolic perspective it's a horrendous sight to behold for any person believing in the democratic procedures of the republic.

    The Trump response to the mob asking them to leave peacefully is so abhorrent, traiterous, insane and insulting that it is has now been established for certain who will go down as the most shamefull president ever in the history of the USA.

    Many Presidents had grievous sins like being slaveholders or personal sins, but non launched such shamefull and deplorable attack on the great democracy that of course will withstand such unpatriotic begavior that transpired today at the Capitol and the White House. (video adress)

  2. Tommy Tuberville gets sworn in and the Capitol'd defense immediately falls apart.


  3. They didn't look like the average Trump supporters to me and why would they interrupt the debate over the contesting of the dueling electors from Arizona. Doesn't make any logical sense to me. Maybe it would have made more sense if they had chosen to do it if Pence had chosen to accept the electors for Biden from Arizona. Either way it's wrong for this to have happened. Maybe some of them were ANTIFA. Why not? Lonnie, do you remember when BLM was rioting you claimed it was white supremacists when it was not. It ended up being ANTIFA. Who knows? Time will tell.

  4. One more thing. How the hell could this have happened? Why weren't they prepared? Even Donna Brazille was asking the obvious question.

  5. Of course DBP.

    The FBI just raided the costume shop with philipino people making fake flags and fake trump supporter costumes. Noticed, there were red blue flags with a cross and us flags with the stars spangled in a circle? Obviously not the US flag.

    They were all leftist Hollywood actors. Unemployed not because of bad acting skills, common put on a beard and shout Trump won, no unemployed because of the China virus brought in by Biden to secure the election.

    All of this was payed for by Soros abd a specific 110 dollar bill was offered to the actor who could wreck Pelosis office or swing on the Senate balcony.

    Indeed, security was complicit by "letting them all in", the lady that died will receive Sainthood by the Pope, which ceremony I will not attend since the Pope is a Foreign State Actor to which true patriots cannot be loyal.

    Noticed all the White folk,...... Russian actors with bandanas, the black folk were from Barbados brought in by MI5 to enforce a trade deal with England.

    It's all very easy to understand if one is a member of the website "The Protocols of Cheyenne". Only the "insiders truly now how Cheyenne is REALLY pronounced.


    1. You guys are failing to see the bigger picture. More than half of America believe the election was stolen and that even includes democrats believing it also. All of this doubt could be easily resolved. How well we remember the MSM put forth the conspiracy theory of Russia RuSsIA RUSSIA! Trump is Putin's bitch! "Guilt by Omission" and years of investigation and over 40 million dollars wasted, plus keep in mind Trump could of shut it all down while staying within the Constitution too. There isn't enough time in my day to keep up with all the shenanigans of this past election. State legislators have the authority to send electors, not the secretary of state in that state. Now, the willingness to turn a blind eye to fraud because you enjoy the outcome will only guarantee more fraud in the future. The stage has been set. Our votes no longer count. May patriots continue to water a withering and dying tree.

  6. DBP
    I still love the patriot in DBP.
    My best guess about "not being prepared", is that the risk assesnent was, "demography: largely white crowd including women, topic protest: in support of democracy ideology: law and order.

    Heads should roll in the analyst department.


  7. Miller,

    To me a 2 party system is ridiculous as most democracies have 50 parties and more.

    Perhaps we can look at it as the start of a 4 party system a first step to normal western democracy.

    Democrats, Republicans, The Radical Left, The Trumpicans.


    1. Whatever labels or parties may emerge from this wreckage, I think that there are at least two parties that currently exist within the "GOP" (Traditionalists and Trumpists).

    2. Corruption continues to rule the day in the Washington Swamp. Truth and Transparency shall drain it, if it sees the light of day.

    3. DBP

      When Berlusconi and other businessmen in other nations ascended to the highest office of political power, EACH TIME I thought that these succesfull people would "clean out the swamp".

      I've been dissapointed each time by their descend into narcissist, undemocratic, autocratic legacies.

      I feel your pain.


    4. "I've been dissapointed each time by their descend into narcissist, undemocratic, autocratic legacies."

      This is what fascinates me.

      So they say, "Trump is CORRUPT!"

      Ok, how? Can you prove it?

      "Well, this other guy is corrupt so, Trump must be so too!"


    5. One way of proving that Trump is corrupt is that his supporters are bent on twisting the arguments of others.

      For instance I said EACH TIME.
      Then a supporter twists my words in "the last time is proven by the previous."

      This twisting IS the corruption.

      There are about 6 definitions of corruption.
      I don't know about bribes, but the other definitions fit both Trump and his supporters.

      It's impossible to have meaningful discussions since Trump has defiled and corrupted even the very meaning of words and accepted code of common discourse.

      Everything is twisted except for his followers who have accepted the new meaning of words like "facts".


    6. Pretzels sure are tasty but they will never resolve cognitive dissonance. Many people who are driven by strong emotions are easily manipulated. So, scapegoating usually provides the easiest path to absolving this discomfort, rather than suspending a current belief for only a moment in order to consider and better understand other viewpoints. This can be difficult to do but it does lead to more rational thought and is much more rewarding in the end. Blaming really never solves anything.

      Now back to Orange-Man-Bad, did anybody ever prove that he conspired with Russia to steal the 2016 election? That's all we ever heard for over three years. If someone did, then why didn't they impeach him for that? That's treasonous. No, they instead decided to impeach him for drawing attention to Biden's corruption.

  8. DBP

    I think we can agree on the topic in how insane politics have become as "ordinary folk" like ourselves are discussing the possibility of STEALING elections when there are about 200 million free people eligible to cast a vote.

    How on earth have we come to the point that we are even considering the possibility of STEALING an election from 200 million citizens born free and able to decide and cast a vote.

    I feel that ALL our energies should be focussed that NEVER IN HISTORY will we even entertain the possiblility of that occuring.

    My guess is that the International Observers, present at many ballot boxes, declaring no irregularities are by any means NOT installing confidence. So what would???

    What are the mathemetical odds of the possibility to STEAL something from 200 million people. Asking for a specialist in "wisdom of the crowds."

