Thursday, January 7, 2021

Senator Romney Speaks the Truth!

Senator Mitt Romney of Utah issued this assessment of what happened yesterday:

"What happened at the U.S. Capitol today was an insurrection, incited by the President of the United States. Those who choose to continue to support his dangerous gambit by objecting to the results of a legitimate, democratic election will forever be seen as being complicit in an unprecedented attack against our democracy. The best way we can show respect for the voters who are upset is by telling them the truth. That is the burden, and the duty, of leadership."

see Senator Mitt Romney Twitter Thread

He's absolutely right. Donald Trump is unfit for the office he holds, and ANYONE who continues to support him after what happened yesterday is complicit in what he's done! Nevertheless, as I have elucidated in numerous posts here over the course of his presidency, there was already abundant evidence extant of Trump's unfitness.

The thing which has sustained support for Donald Trump throughout his presidency is the personal ego of each and every one of his supporters - To face and accept the evidence of Trump's glaring flaws is to acknowledge the failure of one's own judgement in supporting him. Sadly, they simply have too much invested in this guy to ever admit their mistake and abandon him.


  1. Yes.
    The egotistic nature of it all was shown when the rioters entered the offices of the elected representative officials while shouting, "you work for me, I payed for this", shedding any notion of collective destiny and responsibility.


  2. You are a fool to accept that those "thugs" were representative of Trump supporters. Led by prejudice and hate as always. My enemy's enemy is my friend no matter who they are is always a bad look in my book.

    1. DBP

      Do you seriously believe that I think 71 million Americans look and act like a herd of bisons.

      I hate the foolish incitement by Trump of the poor low IQ people who were abused like the poor low IQ kid who thought burning the Reichstag was a good thing.

      Poor stupid people get played by narcissist "politicians" like Trump.

      I would exonerate each one of them akthough they deserve 30 years in prison by law.


    2. Where's the actual evidence of Trump's incitement?

  3. And yes looking ay some of the most prominent figures featuring in the worst movie ever they did fully represent groups and conspiracy fringe believers that represent a huge part of the narrative that was spun and kindled by Trump. Like the Qanon bison sitting in the Senate Chair. When asked directly Trump never denounced Qanon as ridiculous. He knew the ideas of those he represented and so should you.

    But I do agree not all 71 million fellow Americans voting for Trump condone a bison in the senate seat or a hysterical veteran to breach the Congres floor.

    The only thing I donot understand is why law enforcement people always shoot to kill. Why not shoot an arm a leg or the buttocks? But veteran hero or not I would have pulled the trigger to defend the symbolic hallow halls of the people many times, and many legs and butts would be sore today.


    1. Qanoner's or Qultists are groomed to sit back and "TrUsT Da PlAN!" They would not risk tarnishing the almighty Q.

      Evidence is mounting of BLM and ANTIFA.

    2. Are you suggesting that we not believe what we saw with our own eyes? That riotous/insurrectionist mob was awash with Trump and white nationalist banners and signs and were chanting support for their hero and death and "accountability" for his foes. Moreover, the folks whom they have taken into custody are clearly Trump supporters (as evidenced by their own statements and previous social media activity). There is ZERO evidence that BLM or ANTIFA were involved in this riot - ZERO!

    3. I'm saying that you should look much more closely. I remember you saying the same thing about the George Floyd protests. That it was white supremacists undermining BLM and such. Or are some animals more equal than others?

      Evidence is being gathered. Investigations are ongoing. This was planned and orchestrated and not inspired by Trump's call for peaceful demonstrations. Would you like the details?

    4. "There is ZERO evidence that BLM or ANTIFA were involved in this riot - ZERO!"

      There are none are as so blind as those whose refuse to see!

    5. DBP

      The FBI is currently following a trail of 140.000 selfies.

      The odds of commie conspiracy are small.


    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. "There is ZERO evidence that BLM or ANTIFA were involved in this riot - ZERO!"

      Maybe you have seen John Sullivan on CNN. They had him on as a journalist soon after January 6th. Well, it turns out he is a member of BLM and a friend to ANTIFA. There is ample evidence of ANTIFA hosting and sharing his content on social networks. Although this is being attempted to be scrubbed off the internet now, there are already archives of the data.He was previously arrested in Utah last July of rioting and making threats. Videos of that event are being deleted on Youtube. But the following video is still up for now. He first makes an appearance in the livestreamed video here. Since the video is quite lengthy, you can skip ahead to this part where he starts making threats. He also goes by the name of JAYDEN X and is now having his two YouTube channels removed from the search algorithms. So, here they are for your perusal. "Insurgence USA" "We Are The Revolution" Maybe you have already seen the infamous video of the woman being shot? Well, Sullivan was detained and released on the 8 in DC. Then he was arrested on the 14th because of his involment with that. Isn't it strange that a guy with a history like that would then be well rewarded by being in a commercial for a major corporation.

      I have several more names, including the viking, caveman, and the neckbeards. So much for our news media, huh?

    8. Since I have zero analytical skills I think I have found the definite proof of BLM involvement.


    9. As for John Sullivan, you may want to check out this article:

      If that's your evidence, it's pretty thin. Got anything else?

    10. Let's digest that article:"The self-described activist is reportedly the founder of “Insurgence USA,” a coalition focused on ending police brutality and racial injustices." Have you even listen and watched for yourself the videos I posted above already. He encourages looting, rioting, and burning down government facilities.

      "In an interview with Rolling Stone, and other news outlets, Sullivan claims to have purposely attempted to fit in with the mob of insurrectionists to capture footage of the attack on film, as he considers himself a journalist that films protests." and "...where the baseless conspiracy theory that pro-Trump rioters were led into violence by left-wing anti-fascist agitators lives on,” Oh, really? He was arrested in July for threats and incitement and possible involment in a murder as a BLM activist while protesting with ANTIFA. And he wasn't arrested again on January 14th for lack of a press credential or impersonating a Trump supporter.

      "The Intercept writes. “At the same time, left-wing organizers have been keen to stress that they ejected Sullivan from their ranks months ago, accusing him of being either a right-wing infiltrator or a dangerously naive amateur.”" Bullshit! There is still online evidence of him being strongly promoted by the left. Besides,he didn't act alone on the 6th of January. Also, the viking is a failed actor who is trying to seek fame and the caveman and his father(not pictured) are both registered Democrats. There is so much more to this.

      Another example from that article of cognitive-bias that I have flipped for your amusement:"In the wake of the assault on the Capitol, [LEFT]-wing media and politicians have pushed an unproven agenda that the storming of the Capitol was led by “[TRUMP],” which is not a formalized organization and stands for [WHITE-NATIONALISM]" Now re-read that bottom part of that article. Besides the evidence I have already provided that shows BLM and ANTIFA involment in the riot, do you now see how the latter part of that article contradicts the narratives given by the The Rolling Stone and The Intercept? You tend to rely on other people's narrative and ignore the facts. Thin narratives getting destroyed by facts.

  4. Breaking news

    Ghostbusters have been deployed im case all the dead people who voted for Biden become violent against protestors the 20th.


    1. My grandfather voted for Republicans his whole life until 2016 and 2020.

      p.s. he died in 2015

  5. DBP
    Hitler and the army didn't like tbe thugs that brought them to power at all.

    As a matter of fact this was settled at "the night of the long knives".

    Golf is like mens trunks, they reveal much about a man.

    People who played golf with Trump say they never met a greater cheat. Dropping balls hidden in sleeves. Kicking opponents golf balls.
    During campaigning he said he would work so hard that he would not have time to play golf.

    At a cost of 114 million tax dollars he goes into history as the president who spent most time golfing of any president.

