Wednesday, November 7, 2018

The Republic Survives for Now!

The U.S. House of Representatives will soon be in the hands of the Democrats - THANK GOD! There will now be a check on this reckless and dangerous demagogue who now inhabits the residence of U.S. Presidents. I hope that the Democrats will exercise appropriate oversight and seek to work with Republicans on the issues where they can find agreement (e.g. infrastructure).

However, none of us should have any illusions about what just happened. We have been given an opportunity to correct course and rein in the tyrannical impulses of Trump - that does not mean that we will avail ourselves of that opportunity. Moreover, it is deeply disturbing to me that Republicans increased their majority in the Senate and retained control of so many of our statehouses/governor's mansions. It is not just that Republicans support his policies - it is also the fact that almost all of them remain silent about what everyone generally acknowledges as his excesses.

Once again, we have some breathing room - the ship of state is still afloat; but it is still headed for the shoals! Trump was talking about 2020 today; and, if you don't think that he has a chance, you haven't taken a good look at the results of yesterday! 

1 comment:

  1. Good analysis! The democrat coup was a flop. The young/female/colored came out and it wasnt a landslide. Republicans who lost had refused Trumps campaign aid. Reps ate silent because they know the electorate has serious concerns that need to be adressed one way or the other. Any stalling of deals by the democrats will get Trump re elected by a landslide. Economic downturn maybe even a true radical instead of the moderately liberal Trump. Threat foreign and domestic handled well will get him re elected.

    (all of this is a 2 year time frame)

    A longer demographic time frame is in favor of the democrats. When the USA assumes a new position in a world system of economic equals.

    (just an opinion)

