Monday, November 12, 2018

Undermining the Florida Election

With almost 8.2 million total votes counted in the Florida race for a seat in the U.S. Senate, less than 12,600 votes separate the candidates (Scott and Nelson). see The Republican candidate, current Governor Rick Scott, has the lead and has alleged that the Democratic candidate, current Senator Bill Nelson, is attempting to perpetrate fraud and steal the election. Under Florida law, the slim margin has triggered an automatic machine recount of the ballots in this election.

As one would expect of the combative occupant of the Oval Office, Trump has wasted no time in giving his opinion about what's going on in Florida. On November 10, he tweeted: "Trying to STEAL two big elections in Florida! We are watching closely!" This morning, Trump tweeted: "The Florida Election should be called in favor of Rick Scott and Ron DeSantis in that large numbers of new ballots showed up out of nowhere, and many ballots are missing or forged. An honest vote count is no longer possible-ballots massively infected. Must go with Election Night!" see In other words, stop counting those ballots - or we may end up with a result that we don't want!

Unfortunately, whatever happens now in the Florida recount, the result will now be regarded by whichever side loses as illegitimate. These statements by Scott and Trump have accomplished ONE thing - they have served to undermine voter confidence in the results of the election. Talk about voter suppression! But who cares about such trivial matters when there is an election at stake! Once again, for Trump and his supporters, the ends (another Republican vote in the Senate) seem to justify ANY means.

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