Thursday, November 1, 2018

The Approaching U.S. Election

If you don't think elections matter, then you haven't been paying attention to events of the last two years. Donald Trump has ruthlessly exploited the divisions extant in this country, reshaped immigration policy in a way that hurts innocents and closes the door to those seeking asylum in the U.S., undermined the FBI and the institutions of our Government responsible for gathering intelligence, threatened the independence of the Office of the Attorney General, threatened allies and embraced long-standing enemies, ignored abuses of human rights around the world, threatened the world economic order with a potential trade war, exploded the budget deficit, undermined the stability and economic viability of the U.S. healthcare system, made significant headway in reshaping the Federal Judiciary, rolled back environmental regulations, shrunken the amount of public lands subject to Federal protection and encouraged the development of carbon polluting fossil fuels. In short, the evidence is overwhelming that IT MATTERS WHO IS IN CHARGE of the levers of power!

I warned my friends prior to the last election (2016) that Trump's personality and experience made him ill-suited for the Presidency. He is an egocentric bully who is accustomed to having his way and hiring and firing at will. Moreover, his lack of familiarity with the way government operates, history and foreign affairs has proved to be very dangerous (as I predicted, and it gives me no pleasure to say I told you so). And, what if Trump or his associates colluded with the Russians to get him elected? What if the evidence demonstrates that Trump has obstructed justice? What if the evidence demonstrates that Trump has been in violation of the emoluments clause of the U.S. Constitution since the day he took the oath of office?

It's time to place a real and meaningful check on Trump's power. And, if you think that it's a sure thing that the Democrats are going to take control of the House, then you weren't paying attention in 2016! The folks who actually vote get to decide whose hands control the levers of power, not the folks who sit on the sidelines and bitch/gripe/complain. There are a lot of folks in this country who support Trump, and it doesn't matter if they are a minority if they're the only ones voting! I can assure you that Trump's folks will be in line on election day - will you?

**This will probably be my last post before the vote (unless, God forbid, we have another surprise) - See you on the other side** 


  1. Yep, you pretty much gave us an impromptu “State of the Union” address there. I can’t think of anything I woud add. The president’s hands must be tied by Congress and the governors of all 50 states if we are to survive and to have a United States of America that we will all recognize.


  2. I am nck and I endorse this message.
    btw you also just passed the spokesman club "attack speech" with an A for "righteous indignation.

    nck (katniss everdeen)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


  4. It looks like the People likes a little check on their favorite president.

    I hope the relatively small gains for the democrats dont't turn out to be a "dead cat bounce" when devisive persons like Maxine Walters (and an economic downturn) will usher in a president that dwarves the current one in conservatism.

