Tuesday, October 30, 2018

The Invasion

President Trump has sounded the alarm about the migrant caravan slowly snaking its way from Central America toward our southern border. He has called this an invasion of the United States and has announced that he is sending thousands of active duty troops to the border.

Nevertheless, it was refreshing to see that our demagogic tyrant-in-chief was refuted by Shep Smith of Fox News! He said: "Tomorrow the migrants, according to Fox News reporting, are more than two months away, if any of them actually come here...But tomorrow is one week before the midterm election, which is what all of this is about," he added. "There is no invasion. No one’s coming to get you. There’s nothing at all to worry about." https://thehill.com/media/413732-shep-smith-rips-trump-rhetoric-on-migrant-caravan-there-is-no-invasion-no-one-is-coming

The caravan is one of those bright and shiny objects that Trump tosses out there to distract from things that take the focus off of him. We need a meaningful check on this guy folks! Whatever your political persuasion (conservative, liberal, libertarian, Democrat, Republican), you need to vote for the Democrat this time around!


  1. I am here for "iron to sharpen iron". If you'd show repetitive signs of annoyance by my presence I will be gone.

    I believe you have a lot of facts straight.

    Also I believe it is telling that even Fox news is showing signs of "reason". Probably a reaction to what happened at CNN with the powder packages and a straw of morality regarding reporting on "wandering people".

    Having said that.

    I do think that it would be a little bit superficial to assume that "the caravan" is tossed out by Trump for sole reasons of distraction.

    Sure this "caravan" was a great way to get immigration on top of the political agenda for the election. However Trump virtually ran on a platform and a promise "To build that Wall."

    For political reasons the Wall has not been effectuated and put on the shelf for the time being. But to close the southern border is a major election promiss of this presidency. So it is not there for the distraction.

    It's a shame this topic has led to conspiracy theory resulting into a shooting. The only standard in reporting should be the truth. What organizations are aiding these people? Which ones are sponsored by Soros? If non are, what are we going to do about the problem? If some are sponsored by Soros, what are we going to do about the problem?

    It is pretty clear that this president has a mandate by the people to close the southern border. It also clear that (humanitarian) crises are often used to implement political/economic change. (re: Naomi Klein "The shock doctrine.") In backward countries these crises are often deliberately created by political actors.

    I do feel that a proper check is needed. Since the press has indeed resorted to polarizing reporting instead of investigative reporting. This check should come through Congres. Unless of course the People decides that all that has transpired the last 18 months is inspiring and adressing the issues that plague are modern society.

    Then of course "a wall" (by military or concrete) shoud be built, until a Reaganesque person on the ballot "will tear down this wall" and opt for other solutions.


    1. nck, your comments will always be welcome here - even when we disagree. Unlike many of my fellow countrymen, I value hearing opinions and views other than my own. When we expose ourselves to different views, those views can serve to clarify, reinforce or modify our own perspective on the issue in question. I promise to also always be civil and cordial, but you can also count on me to state my own views with gusto! (that doesn't mean I'm annoyed with you)
      I think the fact that we have dealt with these caravans in times past and were not invaded or overwhelmed by refugees suggest that we are quite capable of dealing with this present caravan. Moreover, there are strong indications that many of these folks will be absorbed and hosted by Mexico (in other words, many of them will never make it to the U.S. border). Add to this the fact that everyone agrees that the arrival of this caravan is several weeks away (at a minimum), I don't think it's too big of a stretch to ask: Why the rush to send five thousand troops to the border?
      Hmmm, the election is now less than a week away, and immigration is one of Trump's key issues (as you admit in your remarks). It is also clear that Trump has decided that his best chance of prevailing in the midterm elections is to play to his base. His base likes his tough stance on immigration. We also know that Trump views the pipe bomb mailings and the synagogue massacre as distractions which are hurting his messaging and chances in the midterm elections. Hence, I don't think my conclusions are simplistic or unwarranted by the facts.
      And, although he is playing this for the folks who supported him in the last election (aka his base), it should not be forgotten that more folks voted for his opponent in that election than voted for him. Moreover, the demographics of the country (the large number of blacks, Hispanics and women who could not bring themselves to vote for Hilary) suggest that there is a strong possibility that a solid majority of Americans do not want a wall or any of his other immigration policies. At any rate, I know that I don't want a wall!

  2. Ok! Just wanted to make sure I'm not stepping on toes if there is some intended purpose to this blog that might not match my angle on things.

    I believe a broadcaster like cnn is completely biased in its reporting on Trump. Most of the newscasters are making a fine buck out of dividing an already split nation. Many would make an anti semite out of a man with a jewish daughter and advisor.

    If you look at the presidential elections, only three people EVER won 60%-63% of the popular vote – FDR, LBJ, and Richard Nixon. If you look at the winning votes, you will see that most are in the mid 50% range – (usually 51 to 54%).

    re: caravan

    Of course it is not about some caravan the USA could easily accomodate in times of crisis. It's about the concern that many people have about a society that is changing to rapidly to their tastes. Changes that in the past took generations to accept are now implemented in terms of 4 years.

    Likewise a wall is just a symbol. If the job can be done by electronic devices or drones the Trump base will be content to vote him in a second time.

    My sources tell me that this caravan is being bussed by the same organizations that aided it during its formation in Honduras. They will not be accomodated by Mexico. It seems a crisis is purposely being created in the same manner this humanitarian crisis was deliberately created at the Hungarian border causing this weeks downfall of Angela Merkel after two state elections turned sour in her handling of the situation.

    So yes this concept has been proven to be able to take a world leader down after evaluation in mid term elections.


  3. What changes were too rapid? To me, it appears we have had a gradual societal shift from the 1960s to the present. Are we saying that huge numbers of people fell asleep during the '60s, suddenly woke up and decided to start a Nazi uprising last election?


  4. BB

    Thank you very much for your question.

    For the sake of brevity, today I will not discuss societal change from the 1960's to the present disruption as in your first question.

    A short answer might just amount to a summary of boring common knowledge. For edification I like to be "outside the box."

    I am intrigued by your second question and will focus on the pace and nature of change. The view you express is one of the "elderly statesman", looking back on a fulfilling time full of change, ultimately for the better. The reality is that often the nature of change is not a gradual process and full of friction at decisive moments.

    Two examples.
    1) European populists scream about "waves of immigrants flooding the continent." This rethoric resonates with large swaths of the older population. The reason this rethoric resonates is not because of the sheer numbers of asylum seekers that cannot be handled in one way or the other. The reason it resonates is because after the year 2000, like a BURST, all little children of established immigrants previously hiding behind mothers skirts, suddenly finished their middle and higher education and "flooded" society and the workplace, claiming their rightful place in society that was shocked by the "unexpected" change in demographics and accompanying culture. Combined with unrest in the middle east this felt like "waves of immigrants." While in reality "an undercurrent of demographics" had been at work slowly bursting upon the scene as a shock.

    2) Game theory and the nature of change (on wigs and hats)
    I have an amusing article that speaks about the nature of change as explained by game theory.

    The article might look like tough cookie at first but in the end it gives an amusing answer/explanation as to how it came about that "suddenly people who looked asleep, woke up and decided to start a Nazi uprising last election.



  5. “As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression. In both instances, there is a twilight when everything remains seemingly unchanged. And it is in such twilight that we all must be most aware of change in the air – however slight – lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness.” ― Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas

    Here's another view.
    Not all opinions expressed are necessarily mine. But the article adresses the "step by step", implementation of change, a slow PACE, that "suddenly/unexpectedly" seems to burst to the forefront and triggers extreme reaction.

    It also expresses necessary involvement to build bridges by an active citizenry, not a lazy citizenry looking to DC for all solutions. (which I mentioned in most of my postings on this blog).


