Monday, October 29, 2018

An Opportunity To Mute Trump's Critics?

In the wake of the pipe bomb mailings and the tragic attack on a Pittsburgh synagogue, many folks have pointed to Trump's divisive language as being inspirational to these fringe elements of our society. Not only did Trump reject any suggestion that anything he has said or done might have contributed to these events, he pointed to one of his old "enemies" and renewed his attack on them.

Trump tweeted this morning about the Press: "There is great anger in our Country caused in part by inaccurate, and even fraudulent, reporting of the news. The Fake News Media, the true Enemy of the People, must stop the open & obvious hostility & report the news accurately & fairly. That will do much to put out the flame of Anger and Outrage and we will then be able to bring all sides together in Peace and Harmony. Fake News Must End!" --

In other words, if you folks in the Press would just stop talking about the negative aspects of what I'm saying and doing, it would be much easier for me to hoodwink and unite the entire country under my rule! Remember, Trump's modus operandi is to hit back harder when he thinks anyone is throwing a punch at him. Moreover, by not accepting ANY responsibility for what has happened, he is free to shift most of the blame to a group which he considers to be one of his chief nemeses.

Do you think that it's an accident that he uses the term "News Media" instead of the term "Press"? Do you think that has anything to do with the fact that the First Amendment guarantees freedom of the Press? Trump doesn't want any restraints on HIS free speech, but he does want the Press to exercise such restraint! Hmmm, history demonstrates that tyrants do like scapegoats to divert attention away from their own failures and unite their supporters - is that what's happening here? What do you think?


  1. Our American system has always been based on checks and balances. Donald Trump just doesn't want them on him. He is all about power, and he's all about agenda.

    This "fake news" thing of his is ridiculous. Different segments of the media do have bias. But, truly fake news is only found in rags like the National Enquirer, or satirical sites like the Onion. The news media of itself is actually peer review. Reporters can make names for themselves by exposing the errors of their peers. Most serious journalists are in constant quest for that Pulitzer prize. Those are actually rarer than Oscars or Emmys.

    We had certain people in our past who fancied themselves as being above. accountability. Existing under their authority was not pleasant in any way. Our president is curiously similar to those people. Apparently some delight in that similarity.


  2. Don't forget, anytime he has accused anyone/group of doing something, he has already done it himself. Blaming others seems to be so much easier than taking responsibility. When it is "others" then one doesn't have to think. His supporters like that. Roy
