Wednesday, October 24, 2018

The Culture War Just Got Real!

After years of harsh conservative/Republican rhetoric against them, someone has sent explosive devices to the Clintons, Barack Obama, George Soros (billionaire philanthropist and Democratic contributor), and CNN (addressed to Trump critic and former CIA Director, John Brennan) see Late breaking reports have suggested that devices were also sent to Congresswoman Maxine Waters and former Attorney General Eric Holder.

Whether the devices turn out to be real or not, it seems obvious that the objective of the perpetrator was to sow terror among those on the left/Democrats who have been critical of Trump. And, whatever Trump or his allies may say about this episode after the fact, it is clear that his/their rhetoric has a part to play in this sorry affair. Some one out there was so upset at these very visible Trump critics that they decided to deliver a powerful message of his/her own. This is a seminal moment in American politics - We should all be watching what happens next!


  1. It's not terribly surprising to me that one of the subsets of the constituency that elected the president would escalate. Just didn't think it would happen this soon.


  2. Trump's tweet this morning: "A very big part of the Anger we see today in our society is caused by the purposely false and inaccurate reporting of the Mainstream Media that I refer to as Fake News. It has gotten so bad and hateful that it is beyond description. Mainstream Media must clean up its act, FAST!"
    So, this terrorist attack was prompted by the Press?
    I'm sure the thought hasn't even crossed his mind that he could share even a portion of the responsibility for this state of affairs!
    I guess I should have known not to expect Presidential behavior - you know, calming and comforting words that seek to unite and identify common purpose.
