Monday, October 15, 2018

Liberals: Get Real!

I've listened to liberals whine about Joe Manchin (WV), Joe Donnelly (IN) and Jon Tester (MT); and I think it's time for a reality check. Yes, these men are more conservative than you; but they are also much CLOSER to your positions on the issues than the Republicans who are running against them.

Let's put this into some perspective. Do you want Republicans to retain control of the Senate? Do you want the Senate to serve as a check on a Democratic House? Do you want a Republican Senate to protect Trump from congressional oversight? If not, then you better swallow that bile and support these candidates.

What do you think "Don't let perfect be the enemy of the good" means? In Spielberg's Lincoln, the President chides Thaddeus Stevens about the futility of maintaining a course for true north if you get mired in the swamps and valleys that exist between you and your destination. How do you think Trump got elected in the first place? Here's a hint: it's because you couldn't hold your nose, get off your ass and vote for Clinton!


  1. I'm about as liberal concerning women's rights and TOTAL equality with men as can be.

    What is it with whiny professor Ford, Pocahontas Warren, bad loser Hillary that reminds me of the biblical verses "Whoe unto us when women rule over us." Listen. I have had a lot of female managers in my lifetime and no complaints so far apart from the occassional overlooked incompetency, which is not so bad in light of the earth's destruction by man species and their toys and tools.

    I must believe it is a cultural thing, bound to geography, culture and time otherwise it leaves me no option to consider the ancient agregate (or revealed) wisdom stored in the bible knowledge when the sentence "whoe when women rule" was included.

    So far continuing in my liberal ways. But closely monitoring the situation as it practically unfolds. Please stop acting foolish women or you might loose (some of) my support. I mean you are our last hope you know.

    nc k

    1. I don't think that Professor Ford was whiny - I thought she was credible. And I think that Senator Warren is one of the smartest senators we have. The moniker "Pocahontas" is demeaning and offensive.
      Like her, I have Native American Ancestry in trace amounts. And, while that does not qualify us for tribal membership, NO ONE has the right to deny us part of our heritage! The fact is that we all have thousands of ancestors - take away any one of them, and we wouldn't be here.
      In my humble opinion, the greatest monarch in British history was Queen Elizabeth I. More recently, we have the examples of Golda Meir and Margaret Thatcher. I don't think women are ill-suited for leadership.
      I do think that it would be interesting to try training a generation of males to have the values I mentioned in an earlier post. Then we could finally see just how much of male behavior is attributable to society/culture/nurture and how much is a consequence of testosterone/nature.

  2. Your original posting is about content rather than image. My comment was more about image versus content. I expressed my worry about the "liberal" image triggered by yesterday's twitter exchange between the prez and senator warren about some million dollar bet, majoring in the minors. Heaping more ridicule on an otherwise distinghuished career contentwise.

    You name some pretty fiersome ladies, warring both domestic and abroad. I raise you the prime minister of New Zealand, taking her baby into the Security Council and breastfeeding it in parliament. I like that (image), but could be horrified by her policies if I would study them, maybe not.

    I have more than 30 cousins and nieces and nephews not a single one sharing the dna of a single people, spanning 3 continents. As to be expected some of them have native American running through their veins. I would call them "Pocahontas' for fun if they would put "native American" on any application form for higher education or else. Thinking about it, since 5 minutes I wonder if I am being racist by sponsoring their horse riding lessons.

    Anyway. I'm proud of the diversity of my kin and realize by my own upbringing that it is possible to feel strong affiliation to a people (for instance jews) through upbringing, and not posess a single shred of their particular dna. As a matter of fact I know daughters of US airforce staff "doing" extremely American today but in their heart feeling german because of their fathers tenure during the Cold War.

    I believe on the "lvingamstrgsm" blog I commented on the Viking mystery. How they transformed from fiersome wariors into a society that under scientific models is labelled feminine today.

    Some interesting models.

    In a particular masculine society as the American I worry a bit about how to adress that particular societies biases for a more "feminine inclusive" course, be credible to that particular society, still look feminine, be as tough as a nail and funny at the same time.

    My advice to women for the time being. Be authentic. Do not try to apropriate what you are not (like being male). Do all to give what you intrinsically have in all fields (also the once where men have traditionally excelled).

    (I realize my advice might look like the next birthday calendar.)

    It's not that the course forward is to be carved out by women alone. Perhaps if men give women more space to be heard they can adjust their voice in a manner that commands authority through merit.

    I don't know. I was just annoyed when bullies are given a shot for open goal.


    1. nck, that's why I enjoy your comments - they are always nuanced and more than they appear at first glance.

  3. Maybe, as our modern world presents itself to each of us, there can no longer be a kicked back, laid back lifestyle. The world seems to be rigged to compel each of us to fight for at least one ideal or thing. There is hardwire programming in so many directions, and seemingly everyone has become an advocate or salesman for their particular point of view. We are bombarded each day with so many influences, that it boggles the mind.

    No wonder there is so little original thought.

  4. Oh, and by the way, to answer the original question: I want a Congress that will impose checks and balances on our out of control president. I haven't voted in a number of years, but believe that this year I will vote for the Democratic congressional candidates in my state.

