Thursday, December 13, 2018

A Prophecy: This is not going to be pretty!

The results of the midterm elections and a couple of years of polling have convinced me that a majority of the country will accept the findings of Mueller and company regarding Trump, but I am also confident that a sizable minority (perhaps as high as 40-45%) of the country will either not accept them or greet them with glee. What is my evidence for the second part of that prediction? I could say that it's based on the same two things (midterms and polling), but there is also strong anecdotal evidence for my second prediction.

Have you been listening to what Republicans and Trump's other supporters have been saying (or not saying) about what has recently been revealed about those investigations in the media? I fear that many on the Left simply do not understand Trump's support. They cannot bring themselves to believe that there are folks out there in the heartland who actually share his views about the courts, immigration and trade; but there are! I asked my brother if he'd heard the news about Cohen's sentencing the other day, and what that indicated for Trump. "I knew that Trump was morally bankrupt when I voted for him" was his reply. Trump says that his supporters would revolt if anyone tries to impeach him. I think he may be right. 


  1. The left completely underestimates the psycholical power of loss aversion in humans. Probably because the left hardly trades the market or speculates from a comfortable position.

    The sentiment is huge and comes second after the relentless pursuit of sex. A power the left does understand for explanation.


  2. I’ve never considered myself to be a lefty. Right of center middle of the roader is the way I self-describe. In 2016, my wishes were for a a president who would grow the economy and strengthen the military, but otherwise confine himself to minor tuning of everything else.

    I find myself, like the Jews in 1930s Germany, bewildered not only about Trump’s appeal, but completely unable to fathom the specimens of humanity to whom he would actually appeal. It’s pretty scary that we’ve been coexisting side by side with these types of people. What has been particularly alarming is that there are so many whom I thought I really knew, and now suddenly their real attitudes are emerging. How can they not see all the damage? I would bet the farm on the fact that even if Trump succeeds in starting a depression, these rabid hard-right white nationalists will remain committed to their president and his philosophy.


    1. I'm confident that my dad and brother would label me a liberal. Like you, however, I would not classify myself as such. I have views that some would call liberal and some that would be called conservative. I see myself as a patriotic democratic republican. Although I used to be a Republican, I have considered myself an independent and unaffiliated voter for years. The kind of folks who support Trump will continue to support him for as long as they think that it's in their self-interest to do so.

  3. What is really telling is that the anti-government militias are processing their very own identity crisis as we speak. They are no longer anti-government because their guy is in the White House. They are focussing their hatred on immigrants, particularly Muslims, and recently some out of state groups travelled to the Mexican border to assist the Border Patrol and the US military in “protecting” the US against those in the Central American caravan.

    There is even talk of armed conflict in the event that somehow Trump loses the 2020 election. The militias have historically been against globalism, the so-called “new world order”, and secretive global organizations which they see as eroding American sovereignty and individual rights. It seems very plain to me that if one wishes to understand the agenda of our President, one should study the philosophical leanings of the militias. And, indeed, it is not a pretty picture for those who believe that freedom is an inalienable right for all humans, not just one select group.

