Saturday, December 1, 2018

On the Passing of George Herbert Walker Bush

When I turned on my computer this morning and saw that our 41st President had passed away, I was overwhelmed with sadness and a sense of appreciation for his life of service to our country. In this time of rancor and extreme partisanship, it is heartwarming to see him and his service applauded by both Democrats and Republicans. While I didn't agree with every decision he made as president (though I agreed with many of them), I never doubted his decency, kindness or devotion to our country and the principles which underpinned it. For myself, I am proud of the fact that he and Barbara were kinfolk, and that I voted for him for president in 1988. May God bless George Herbert Walker Bush, his memory, and the family and nation which mourns his death.

1 comment:

  1. In my effort to relate esoteric information related to the topics but sometimes outside of other readers realm of data I have the following tidbit.

    At the funeral of President Bush it became apparent to the European Union ambassador to the United States that his status as "representative of a nation" was downgraded to that of "representative of a multilateral organization." Subsequently he was called in later than the national ambassadors.

    In diplomatic circles this is just another affront by the Trump administration to long time allies by not having informed the European Union of the unilateral downgrading of an ambassador rank status official.

    Of course some may delegate this modus operandi of the trump admin as "consistent." It is pretty blunt consistency and another attempt to weaken a world order that the former President Bush spent a lifetime building. As a matter of fact he called it the new world order at one time.

