Sunday, December 9, 2018

Who appointed Rex Tillerson to be Secretary of State?

On Friday, Trump tweeted: "Mike Pompeo is doing a great job, I am very proud of him. His predecessor, Rex Tillerson, didn’t have the mental capacity needed. He was dumb as a rock and I couldn’t get rid of him fast enough. He was lazy as hell. Now it is a whole new ballgame, great spirit at State!"

Reading that, you'd think that Rex was a holdover from the Obama Administration! Do you remember who appointed Rex Tillerson to be Secretary of State (arguably the most important Cabinet position in his power to appoint)? Do you remember who confirmed him to be Secretary of State? What does that say about the judgment of Trump and the senators who voted for him? How did Tillerson ever get to be CEO of ExxonMobil? What were the Boy Scouts of America thinking when they made him their president? And the folks at the University of Texas must have been asleep at the wheel when they gave him a degree!


  1. Harhar. Yesterdays bickering in the White House between Trump, Schumer, Pelosi about a measly 5 billion dollar Wall erased 75 billion dollars in market cap within the hour.


    1. And that's likely to get worse, because Trump couldn't get the money for his wall when he had both houses of Congress (and he sure ain't gonna get it from a Democrat House). Moreover, as recent news has shown, Trump's legal jeopardy will continue to grow through 2019. And, with the House in the hands of Democrats, he will no longer be shielded from congressional oversight. Finally, there have already been numerous signs that the economic expansion is starting to falter - some economists are now openly predicting that we'll be in a recession by 2020.

  2. So far I do feel a little bit sorry for Stormy. Such an entrepreneurial girl perhaps not fully comprehending what real power is. I hope the democrats can wield that power in a truly remarkable an skilfull way while fighting a good and orderly political fight and not descend into oblivion like Stormy. Unless I am underestimating what she might have under her sleave because she had not been wearing much sleave.

    Democrats should operate like asians or perhaps matadors in tiring the bull each time the bull engages or is provoked. Putin the skilled judo champ also has a habit of using the oponents weight in tackling the bull.

    Somehow I feel the white house streetfighter debate "set up" still came as a surprise for the "powers that be". Still trapped in "the old" manners and traditions. They should all take a break to New York and try and negotiate better prices for the hot dog, musical or taxi with the vendors and then go to chinatown to learn the rest of the necessary skills to win the fight all the way ruling and thinking about the people, for the people, by the people, engaged and committed. A bit more Monty and Patton if needed.

