Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Anybody Who Believes This Sh-t IS IGNORANT!

Everyone is well aware of the fact that Governor Brian Kemp of Georgia was one of Trump's most fervent allies among the nation's Republican governors - that is until they started counting votes in the state after the November 3rd General Election! Governor Kemp was one of the first governors in the country to respond to Trump's call to reopen their schools and economies in the face of pandemic closures. Likewise, Kemp and the REPUBLICAN Secretary of State worked tirelessly to suppress black voting in their state (because it so heavily favored Democrats). Now, the Republican top leadership of the state are pariahs in Trumpland - RINOs (Republicans in Name Only), because they refuse to support his lies about voter fraud in their state.

Notice this Tweet from Trump today:

.@BrianKempGA, his puppet Lt. Governor @GeoffDuncanGA, and Secretary of State, are disasters for Georgia. Won’t let professionals get anywhere near Fulton County for signature verifications, or anything else. They are virtually controlled by @staceyabrams & the Democrats. Fools!

see Donald J. Trump

In similar fashion, Trump has turned on his favorite cable news network (Again, because they refuse to accept his narrative about a rigged and fraudulent election). Here's what he had to say about them:

Watching @FoxNews is almost as bad as watching Fake News @CNN. New alternatives are developing!

Before the election, EVERYONE knows that Fox was in the bag for Trump - his biggest cheerleaders.

Donald Trump is a crazy and devious SOB, and ANYONE who believes this sh-t is gullible and ignorant! Joe Biden won big, and he's going to be President of the United States at noon on the 20th of January - You need to start getting used to that fact, Donnie!


  1. What do you have against truth and transparency? Or does Authority and Propaganda rule the day?

    1. I'm hoping that truth and transparency will rule the day, and that the authoritarian propaganda of Trump and his allies will be defeated. For a democracy to work, the side that loses must be willing to accept their defeat at the polls and acknowledge the winner and cede power to him/her/them (even if you believe that the implementation of his/her/their policies will be disastrous for the republic - Hilary's supporters were not pleased with the results of the 2016 election).
      Moreover, in order for the Republican Party to have any chance of being viable and relevant going forward, more of them are going to have to eventually come back down to earth and accept the reality of our political system. For the GOP to continue, it is imperative that a majority of its members understand that what's in their and the country's best interest does NOT necessarily align with what's in Donald Trump's best interest.

    2. For a democracy to best work for the people and with full fairness, it needs to be free of fraud and corruption. The more so, the better. In the past, Democrats have contested the Electoral College. Now, if people believe there was fraud and have possible evidence, what better reason would anyone have to contest an election? Maybe there is election fraud and maybe there is not. But how would you know if you refuse to investigate? Assigning a nefarious motive to evidence that you refuse to look at is being disingenuous. Here is just a segment of some of the testimony presented before the Georgia State Senate Judiciary Subcommittee. It's 48 minutes long but please listen to it unbiasedly.

  2. David French does a great job of explaining exactly what Trump and his allies are doing:

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. The narrative of the MSM is "There was no cheating. Trust us. Why won't you accept that you lost?"

      Well, why not inspect the ballots, incuding the Dominion machines, and allow the evidence to be actually heard in a court of law? Remember that the cases presented before the courts were dismissed on standing and not on the ruling of evidence. Besides, that article avoided any discussion of the evidence too.
