Friday, December 11, 2020

The Republican Party

In much the same way that I regret my former affiliation with Herbert Armstrong's Worldwide Church of God, I'm now ashamed of the fact that I was ever affiliated with the Republican Party! And, although my religious beliefs have changed and evolved a great deal over the years, my former political party has undergone a transformation that makes my own religious experience look like baby steps by comparison!

The Republican Party that once stood for fiscal responsibility, limited government, free trade and democratic institutions is no more. In fact, Donald Trump's Republican Party is now unrecognizable as the party of Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Eisenhower and Reagan. In near record time, it has been transformed into a Trump personality cult - completely dedicated to the maintenance of his (and their) grip on the reins of power. And, anyone within the party who dares to oppose Trump or his allies are labeled as RINOs (REPUBLICANS IN NAME ONLY).

As a former Republican, I believe that no one has better summarized the current status of the Grand Old Party than Lincoln Project founder Steve Schmidt. He recently said: "The Republican Party is an organized conspiracy for the purposes of maintaining power for self-interest, and the self-interest of its donor class. There is no fidelity to the American ideal...There has never been a force that has achieved power, or is within reach of achieving power in the next election, that’s been so hostile to the history, the founding, the essence and the entire meaning of the country, as is this Trump and Trumpist movement that has taken over lock, stock, and barrel the Republican Party. It’s no longer dedicated to American democracy. It is dedicated to Trump and Trumpism and to his family, to defense of his indecencies, his autocratic manner, his corruptions, an apologist for the profound damage he has done." see The Republican Party Is An Organized Conspiracy Unfortunately, I am forced to completely agree with his assessment of my old party.


  1. I think you have this opposite. The Dems are bent on destroying America and all personal freedoms.

    1. For the record, I'm NOT a Democrat, and I believe that the Democrats have problems of their own. However, my post was on the current status of the Republican Party.
