Thursday, December 24, 2020

Trump's Christmas Gift To America

For weeks, Trump has been obsessed with election fraud and his loss to Joe Biden. During this time, he has largely been AWOL from his duties as president and has instead spent most of his time watching tv, tweeting, playing golf and pardoning his cronies. In the midst of the approval and initial distribution of a vaccine which he could justly take a measure of credit for helping along, he has been silent. And, when Congress finally reached a bipartisan agreement on some stimulus measures for our weakened economy and hurting populace (without any help or input from him), he threatens to veto the measure and leaves town! Merry Christmas America!  


  1. Why only $174 Billion for Americans and $726 Billion for the rest of the world in a 6,000 page bill? Trump would gladly sign a $300+ Billion aid package without the pork! And what if there actually was "election fraud" that took place? Why the censorship? What about truth and transparency?
    What do you think about Trump's invokement of the Impoundment Control Act of 1974 on HR 9051?

    1. DBP,
      You ask, "Why only $174 Billion for Americans and $726 Billion for the rest of the world in a 6,000 page bill?" The actual provisions of the bill:
      $166 Billion for direct payments to Americans
      $120 Billion in extra unemployment benefits
      $69 Billion for Covid vaccine distribution and testing
      $284 Billion for PPP (Paycheck Protection Program)
      $82 Billion for schools
      $25 Billion for rental assistance
      $7 Billion for expansion of broadband access in U.S.
      Finally, Trump's Twitter account has been full of accusations of election fraud, but where is the proof that this has occurred on a scale that would overturn the results in any of the battleground states? Again, I don't want accusations - I want PROOF! (and don't bother presenting the creative and flawed statistical analysis of Trump's supporters).

    2. You could start with Sidney Powell's 270 page brief and the most recent testimony that just happened in Georgia. Evidence is still being gathered and will be presented in a court of law when the judges decide to actually hear it. As of right now, the corruption in Washington and the complicit MSM is still desperately trying to hold on to the reigns as the gate keepers of information in the court of public opinion. They are failing.

      I can understand the desire to turn a blind eye when the possible outcome could end up validating someone you so desperately hate.

    3. Sorry, Sidney Powell is a nut job. David French (a conservative Christian voice) succinctly summarizes what Trump and his supporters are doing:

    4. Ad hominems aside, have you read her report or listened to the full recent testimony before the Georgia State Senate Judiciary Subcommittee which then unamiously decided for a full audit in Fulton County? People can lie, evidence can't. Will you trust the DNI reort? Why are ballots now being shredded?

      Winners shouldn't be afraid of truth and transparency.
